Curcuma Benefits, Side Effects, Uses

Curcuma Nutrition

Curcuma Benefits
Curcuma (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionCurcumin, Vitamin A, Iron
Main BenefitsIncreases immunity, improves liver function, relieves arthritis
Side EffectsDo not consume if you are about to have surgery or if your gallbladder condition is bad.

Curcuma is an annual plant belonging to the ginger family. It is mainly grown in India, Southeast Asia, and subtropical regions. Everything from flowers to roots is used. Curcuma has scarlet-colored rhizomes, which are ground and used as a spice or coloring agent. For example, the yellow color of curry is extracted from Curcuma. In addition, you can drink it as a tea and enjoy Curcuma in various other ways. Curcuma has a spicy and bitter taste when eaten raw, contains various nutrients, and is used as a medicine to help relieve pain.

Curcuma Benefits

Curcuma Benefits

1. Immunity Enhancement

Curcuma contains an ingredient called curcumin, which can be said to be the most representative ingredient of curcuma. Curcumin is an antioxidant that has antioxidant effects. This removes free radicals in our body, prevents a decline in immune function, and helps protect the body. It also improves immunity and protects our body from various diseases caused by free radicals, including cancer, which is a serious disease.

2. Liver Health

Curcumin, which is concentrated in Curcuma, is an ingredient that is helpful for liver health. This ingredient promotes bile secretion in our body, which helps the liver function properly. Additionally, it helps detoxify the liver and improves liver health. It also lowers cholesterol in the liver and improves liver function, so when consumed appropriately, it helps improve liver function damaged by drinking and reduces liver damage. And by supporting liver health in this way, it can also help prevent liver diseases such as fatty liver.

3. Improvement Of Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that causes inflammation in the joints and causes pain. Patients are prescribed various anti-inflammatory painkillers to reduce pain, and Curcuma helps improve arthritis by showing similar effects to these painkillers. In fact, in the results of several experiments targeting arthritis patients, only those who consumed Curcuma showed pain improvement effects, proving that Curcuma helps improve arthritis.

4. Vascular health

Curcuma contains an ingredient called curcumin. This ingredient helps improve blood vessel health by improving clogged blood vessels, stimulating blood circulation, and helping clean waste products in the blood vessels. It must also be equipped with functional devices such as defense shoes, except that these devices improve their functionality. In addition, it also has the function of lowering sugar levels in the blood, helping to improve diabetes.

How To Eat Curcuma Wisely

  1. It is best to eat raw Curcuma by drying it and powdering it.
  2. As the moisture in the curcuma evaporates, the density of vitamins and curcumin increases.
  3. The prepared Curcuma powder can be added to milk or yogurt to increase absorption in the body.

Daily Intake

It is best to take one or two tablespoons of Curcuma per day. Consuming one or two tablespoons every day can help you live a healthier life as it has anti-cancer properties and improves your body’s immune function.

Side Effect

  1. If you have gallstones or a bad gallbladder, you should be careful because excessive intake of Curcuma can cause gallbladder problems.
  2. Curcuma has the function of slowing down blood coagulation, so people who are about to undergo surgery should be careful as it can be dangerous if they go into surgery after consuming too much Curcuma.
  3. Caution must be exercised as excessive intake of Curcuma may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain or diarrhea.


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