Algae Benefits, Calories, Side effects

Algae Nutrition

Algae Benefits
Algae (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionIodine, dietary fiber
Main BenefitsImprovement of diabetes, diet, improvement of intestinal and thyroid health
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause diarrhea; pregnant women are advised to consume small amounts.

Algae are seaweeds belonging to the Algae family. It is used as a raw material for agar, and has the characteristic of growing mainly attached to rocks and in clumps. After the breeding season, the upper part melts and disappears, and new sprouts grow again in spring. When algae is thawed, it becomes agar, and when this agar is frozen, it becomes agar. Algae is very low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, making it a popular diet food. You can also eat it by making it into yanggaeng or seasoned sauce, or by adding it to soup.

Algae Benefits

1. Intestine Health

The dietary fiber contained in algae helps improve intestinal health. Dietary fiber aids intestinal peristalsis, which helps promote good digestion. And dietary fiber is effective in expelling waste and stool accumulated in the intestines. In particular, it helps create an environment for beneficial bacteria in the intestines to thrive by absorbing and expelling harmful substances in the intestines. This cleanses the intestines and further helps prevent and improve constipation.

2. Vascular Health

Consuming algae helps reduce cholesterol levels. This is because algae has the effect of removing harmful cholesterol from the blood. Algae are also rich in potassium. Potassium helps excrete waste products and sodium from the blood. In addition, it is effective in discharging neutral fat accumulated in the blood vessels. This purifies the blood and helps improve blood flow for smooth blood circulation.

3. Diet

Algae is considered one of the representative diet foods. This is because algae is rich in dietary fiber that keeps you feeling full for a long time and contains various nutrients. This is effective in preventing constipation that can occur during dieting and also in replenishing nutrients. And Algae also helps reduce body fat accumulation. This prevents excess fat accumulation and helps reduce body fat, making for a successful diet.

4. Diabetes Improvement

Algae is a type of seaweed and contains phytochemicals. It has various benefits, among which it helps prevent diabetes. Additionally, the dietary fiber contained in algae also helps suppress rapid rises in blood sugar levels after a meal. This helps control blood sugar and is effective in improving the symptoms of people suffering from diabetes. In addition, it is effective in reducing body fat and helps prevent diabetes.

5. Thyroid Health

Algae is rich in iodine. Iodine is a necessary ingredient in the production of thyroid hormones. So, if there is a lack of iodine in the body, thyroid function may decline. Agar made from algae is rich in iodine. So consuming it can help protect and improve overall thyroid health. In addition to iodine, various minerals help maintain thyroid health.

Side Effect

  1. Algae is a cold food. Therefore, if people who frequently have diarrhea or have a cold body consume too much, it may have a negative effect on the body.
  2. If a pregnant woman consumes too much algae, the fetus may not be properly supplied with nutrients.

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