Misugaru Benefits, Calories, Storage, Usage

Misugaru Nutrition

Misugaru Benefits
Misugaru (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionDietary fiber, vitamin B
Main BenefitsImproving constipation, excreting waste, diet, improving skin health
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and indigestion.

Misugaru refers to a powder made by roasting grains such as barley, beans, coix, and brown rice and then grinding them finely. It is common to mix it with water or milk and drink it. Because the main ingredients are grains, it has a savory taste. In addition, since you grind the grains and drink them, you can consume the nutrients of the grains as is and feel full, so it is also popular as a meal replacement. It can be eaten regardless of the season, but it is widely known as a summer drink.

Misugaru benefits

Misugaru benefits

1. Improve constipation

Consuming Misugaru helps improve constipation. Misugaru contains a variety of grains, including barley. Barley is rich in dietary fiber, which helps stimulate intestinal motility. This makes bowel movement easier and activates the digestive function to improve digestion. Therefore, it helps prevent diseases such as constipation and improves digestive function.

2. Bone health

Among the various grains contained in Misugaru, black sesame seeds are helpful for bone health. Consuming Misugaru is effective in increasing bone density and strengthening bone tissue. Misugaru is rich in calcium and also contains other elements such as phosphorus and iron. This helps prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis, and is also beneficial to the bone health of growing children. In addition, it is effective in producing proteins that make up cartilage tissue.

3. Skin Health

Various grains from the Misugaru genus are also helpful for skin health. First, Misugaru contains brown rice, which helps excrete waste from the body. It is also effective in generating new skin cells by activating cells. And when you consume Misugaru, the various minerals contained in Misugaru act as antioxidants, which helps create elastic and healthy skin.

4. Lose Weight

Misugaru is one of the popular foods for people trying to lose weight. Misugaru contains a variety of grains, so you can get the same nutrients as eating a bowl of multigrain rice. In addition, Misugaru is a low-calorie food that makes it easy to feel full even with a small amount, making it an effective meal replacement for people trying to lose weight.

5. Detoxification and waste excretion

Misugaru is a food that is high in potassium and is alkaline. This is helpful for modern people who are easily exposed to sodium and spicy foods. Consuming Misugaru lowers the sodium concentration in the body and excretes harmful substances from the blood vessels. And the glutinous rice in Misugaru is effective in detoxifying and removing toxins from our body. Additionally, coix from the Misugaru genus helps expel body waste.

6. Cardiovascular health

Misugaru contains black beans, which support cardiovascular health. Black beans contain unsaturated fatty acids, which help lower harmful cholesterol levels in our bodies. It is also effective in purifying the blood by improving blood circulation. In addition, consuming Misugaru helps prevent blood clots and lower blood pressure by excreting waste products such as neutral fat from the body. This is effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction or hyperlipidemia.

How to make deliciously

  1. Instead of water, add 200ml of milk or soymilk to the bottle.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and Misugaru to the bottle.
  3. Shake well to dissolve and eat with ice.

Storage Method

If unopened, store in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Once opened, place Misugaru in a special container, remove the air, and store frozen. The expiration date when stored may vary depending on the product condition.

Side Effect

  1. Caution must be exercised as excessive consumption may cause side effects such as abdominal pain.
  2. Misugaru has a warm nature. Therefore, if a person with a high body temperature consumes too much, side effects such as rash or vomiting may occur.


💠Kimchimari: Misugaru: Korean Multi-Grain Powder Drink
💠Wikipedia: Misu

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