Abalone benefits, storage method, preparation method, calories, season

Abalone Nutrition

Abalone Benefits
Abalone (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionArginine, Taurine, Vitamin A
Main BenefitsRelieves fatigue, enhances energy, and promotes cardiovascular health
Side EffectsExcessive consumption may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Be careful when consuming raw during April to May as it is toxic.

Abalone is a mollusk with a bumpy shell. The flesh inside the shell is used for food, and the shell has a beautiful pearl luster on the inside, so it is also used as a material for crafts such as mother-of-pearl lacquerware. Because they feed on seaweed, they mainly live in coastal reefs where there is a lot of seaweed. It has a chewy texture and light taste, is low in fat, and is rich in protein. It is famous as a summer health food because it contains a lot of nutrients. It can be eaten raw, boiled in porridge or stew, and soaked in intestines, etc., in a variety of ways.

Abalone benefits

Abalone benefits

1. Relieve fatigue

Abalone contains ingredients called arginine and taurine. First of all, taurine is a well-known ingredient as a nourishing tonic. It helps relieve fatigue and restore energy to people who have no energy and feel tired easily. Arginine also aids liver recovery by expelling harmful substances from the liver and helping to recover from fatigue accumulated in the liver.

2. Male vitality and virility

Arginine, which is abundant in abalone, helps relieve fatigue and revitalize the body. In addition, arginine relaxes blood vessels, expanding their capacity and improving blood flow. This helps treat diseases such as erectile dysfunction in men and strengthens male stamina.

3. Cardiovascular Health

Abalone is rich in taurine. It has the function of suppressing the production and increase of harmful cholesterol in the blood, helping prevent various cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. Taurine is also effective in preventing stroke by inhibiting oxidation of heart cell membranes and helping lower blood pressure. Abalone also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent various heart diseases by removing and reducing triglyceride, a fatty lump in the blood.

4. Iodine supplementation

Thyroid hormones are important for the development of tissues such as the central nervous system in our body, and an ingredient called iodine is essential to produce these hormones. Since iodine cannot be produced in the body, the only way to obtain it is through food. Abalone is rich in iodine, which helps maintain thyroid health. Additionally, iodine helps expel harmful substances from our body out of the body and helps prevent various diseases related to hormones.

5. Skin Health

Abalone contains ingredients that help skin health, such as vitamins and minerals. This helps soothe various skin problems by removing free radicals that interfere with skin health and providing nutrition to the skin. It is also effective in preventing spots and freckles.

6. Eye Health

Abalone contains vitamin A, which helps with eye health by relieving eye fatigue. Additionally, the cold nature of abalone helps relieve eye redness and helps restore vision. In addition, it is effective in preventing eye diseases such as conjunctivitis.

Grooming method

  1. Clean the outside of the abalone under running water using a toothbrush or similar small brush.
  2. Place a spoon in the direction of your mouth to separate it from the shell.
  3. The intestines may taste bitter, so remove them with scissors or a knife.
  4. Remove the mouth part and use it for cooking as it may contain bacteria.

Storage Method

If the expiration date is within 3 days, abalone can be cleaned, placed in an airtight container filled with salt water, and refrigerated for about 3 days. If you plan to consume it for a longer period of time, it is recommended to store it in an airtight container and freeze it after cleaning.

Side Effect

  1. People who are allergic to shellfish should be careful when consuming abalone as allergic symptoms may occur.
  2. During April to May, which is the spawning season of abalone, the intestines can be toxic, so be careful not to remove the intestines completely or eat them raw if you must consume them.
  3. Abalone has a cold nature. If a person with a cold body consumes too much abalone, they may experience symptoms such as abdominal pain or diarrhea, so they should be careful.


💠eHealthzine: 8 Amazing Health Benefits of Abalone
💠Kansom Australia: Abalone Nutrition & Facts

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