5 benefits of agarwood pills, how to take, side effects

Agarwood pills Nutrition

Agarwood pills Benefits
Agarwood pills (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionCalcium, amino acids, collagen
Main BenefitsImproving insomnia, preventing dementia, and promoting kidney and liver health
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Be careful when consuming if you have a lot of body heat.

Agarwood pills are made by processing agarwood. Agarwood is a part of the agarwood tree and is a stem tree. Agarwood trees secrete sap, and when it settles and hardens into a lump, it is called agarwood. There is no set collection period, so it is collected at any time of the year, but only a small amount can be collected due to the small amount. It has no specific shape and is shaped like an irregular lump. It is dark brown in color and has a unique scent. It has various effects and is treated as a top-quality herbal medicine. It is commonly consumed after being processed into powder or undiluted solution.

Agarwood Pill Benefits

Agarwood Pill Benefits

1. Brain Health

One of the benefits of agarwood pills is that it helps with brain health. Agarwood contains an essential oil called delta-guaien. This helps activate brain cells and stabilizes the nerves of the brain. Additionally, agarwood contains a component called agaspirol. This helps alleviate and prevent diseases such as stroke or cerebral infarction. In addition, agarwood is effective in improving blood flow to the brain and brain functions such as memory and cognitive ability.

2. Nervous Stability

Taking agarwood pills can help calm your nerves. Agarwood has an excellent nerve-stabilizing effect, thanks to a component called agaspirol. This ingredient is responsible for producing the unique scent of agarwood. Smelling this scent is effective in relieving tense nerves and providing psychological stability. And through this, it helps relieve stress and helps you get a good night’s sleep. Therefore, it is effective in improving sleep disorders such as insomnia.

3. Increase Immunity

Agarwood pills contain various antibacterial substances such as beta-cellinen and alpha-blegen. Beta-cellinen helps eliminate inflammation in the body through its antibacterial action. And in the case of Alphablegen, it has excellent antiviral activity and is effective in preventing virus invasion into the body. These ingredients help boost immunity by suppressing various bacteria and viruses. Therefore, agarwood can help prevent various diseases by improving the body’s immunity through various antibacterial and virus suppressing functions.

4. Kidney Health

Agarwood may help protect and improve kidney health. This is thanks to the beta-cellinen component contained in agarwood. This ingredient is effective in energizing the kidneys. It is also rich in sulfur and has excellent antibacterial properties, which is effective in alleviating inflammation. This helps the kidneys function smoothly. Therefore, when people suffering from kidney disease such as chronic renal failure consume agarwood, it is effective in improving various symptoms caused by the disease.

5. Digestive Health

Consuming agarwood may benefit digestive health. The delta-guaienne component contained in agarwood is known to help promote digestion. Also, agarwood warms the stomach, making it effective in improving chronic digestive diseases. In addition, the effect of agarwood on improving digestive function is so outstanding that it is often used as a medicine to treat stomach diseases such as abdominal pain or gastroenteritis. Therefore, agarwood can help when digestive problems such as gas, indigestion, or abdominal pain occur.

How to take

  • It has warming properties, so take it with lukewarm or cold water.
  • If you are taking agarwood pills, it is recommended that you take the appropriate amount of one per day.

Side Effect

  • The nature of agarwood is warm. Therefore, if a person with a lot of body heat consumes too much, it may have a negative effect on the body.
  • If you consume too much agarwood pills at once, side effects such as stomachache or diarrhea may occur.
  • If people with low energy take agarwood pills frequently, their body may lose more energy.


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