Angelica benefits, side effects - Is angelica tree good for pregnant women?

Angelica Nutrition

Angelica Benefits
Angelica (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionDietary Fiber
Main BenefitsPromotes cardiovascular health, relieves menstrual pain, and promotes women's health
Side EffectsIf you have frequent diarrhea, be careful when consuming it. Excessive consumption may cause skin rash.

Angelica is a medicinal plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. It grows well in the mountains, but is often cultivated these days. It has white flowers, and its roots and leaves have a faint, unique scent. Therefore, it is said that angelica is easy to grow because insects do not approach it. Also, because of its unique scent, angelica leaves are also used as a ssam vegetable. Angelica is widely used as a medicinal herb. To use it as a medicinal herb, it is collected before the flowers bloom. Angelica can be made into a concentrated liquid and eaten, or dried and made into tea.

2. Angelica Benefits


1. Women’s Health

One of Angelica’s representative benefits is that it helps women’s health. Angelica has warm properties and has the ability to warm the body. This helps warm the uterus. It is also effective in relieving pain by loosening blood clots after childbirth by improving blood circulation. It also helps prevent uterine bleeding by helping with hemostasis. In addition, it helps improve various female diseases such as menstrual irregularity and menstrual pain.

2. Cardiovascular health

Angelica contains an ingredient called decusinol. This ingredient helps with blood vessel health by lowering blood pressure. And thanks to Angelica’s warm properties, it improves blood circulation and prevents blood from clumping, making it effective for vascular health. Additionally, because it has a blood purifying effect, it purifies the blood and helps promote the creation of new blood. So, consuming Angelica is effective in preventing various cardiovascular diseases.

3. Skin Health

Angelica has antibacterial and soothing effects, helping soothe bacterial skin diseases such as acne. Consuming Angelica is good, but grinding Angelica into powder and using it as a pack can also help improve skin diseases. Additionally, Angelica brightens the skin by improving blood circulation and is effective in resolving skin concerns such as spots and blemishes. Angelica also helps in skin regeneration, creating healthy skin and is effective in moisturizing dry skin.

4. Brain Health

Angelica contains decusin, which when saponified with potassium hydroxide produces decusinol. This ingredient helps inhibit the activity of acetylcholenesterase. This is effective in improving and preventing brain diseases such as dementia. Angelica also helps reduce toxins in the brain, helping protect brain cells. It also helps with blood circulation in the brain, activating brain function and is effective in improving brain health.

5. Prevent constipation

Angelica has the ability to soften the large intestine and helps to stimulate bowel movement. And Angelica softens hard stools so they can be excreted easily. So it is effective in preventing and improving constipation. It also helps clean the intestines by expelling waste and harmful substances accumulated in the intestines and helping with bowel movements. And Angelica leaves are high in dietary fiber, which is also effective in preventing constipation.

6. Prevent hair loss

Consuming Angelica can help prevent hair loss and improve scalp health. Because Angelica contains antioxidant ingredients, it is effective in removing free radicals through the antioxidant action of these ingredients. Since free radicals can interfere with blood circulation in the scalp and cause hair loss, removing free radicals is very effective in preventing hair loss. Consuming Angelica strengthens the scalp’s immunity and improves blood circulation, making it effective in preventing hair loss as well as gray hair.

3. Angelica, can I eat it during pregnancy?

4. Angelica Side Effect

  • Angelica has the ability to soften stool, so it may have a negative effect on the body when consumed by people who frequently suffer from diarrhea.

  • Angelica has warm properties, so people with high body heat may experience side effects such as skin rashes or headaches if they consume too much.

  • There are several types of Angelica. Be careful because some of these species are poisonous and can cause death if ingested.

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