Apple juice benefits, expiration date, how to make it - fruit that is good for the skin

Apple juice Nutrition

Apple juice Benefits
Apple juice (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C,
Main BenefitsImproves skin troubles and promotes cardiovascular health
Side EffectsCauses heartburn when consumed on an empty stomach, increases sugar levels when consumed in excess

Apple juice refers to the juice squeezed from apples. It retains the original refreshing and sweet taste of apples, and is usually yellow or light brown in color. Therefore, it is often consumed as a beverage such as juice. Alternatively, it can be added to seasoning meat or added to food sauce to add sweetness. Apple juice is often used when it is difficult to peel and eat apples or when you want to easily consume the nutrients of apples.

2. Apple juice Benefits

Apple juice

1. Blood vessel Health

Apple juice helps prevent cholesterol from forming in blood vessels and arteries. This helps prevent and reduce the risk of various heart diseases. Apple juice is also rich in potassium. Potassium plays a role in excreting sodium from the body. This helps to excrete sodium accumulated in the blood vessels and clean them. Therefore, it is effective in preventing and alleviating diseases such as high blood pressure by preventing blood pressure from rising.

2. Digestive Health

Drinking apple juice helps remove toxins from the body. Apple juice also contains a lot of sugar, which helps with digestion and absorption. And apples contain pectin, a soluble dietary fiber. This helps to activate intestinal peristalsis. Therefore, it helps excrete harmful substances accumulated in the intestines, which is effective in improving the intestinal environment by cleansing the intestines. It is also effective in improving constipation by softening stool.

3. Skin Health

Apples contain various vitamins, including vitamin C, which is effective for skin health. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. This helps remove free radicals, which are the cause of aging, and is effective in preventing cell aging and tissue damage. And vitamin C has the function of promoting collagen production, helping to create elastic and healthy skin. In addition, apple juice contains not only vitamin C but also other antioxidants such as quercetin and anthocyanin. These are also effective in removing free radicals.

4. Diet

Apples are rich in dietary fiber, which helps with diet. Dietary fiber helps make food digest more slowly. This allows you to feel full for a long time even if you eat a relatively small amount. So you can reduce your food intake when dieting. And apple juice is rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are effective in preventing body fat from accumulating in the body.

5. Nicotine Detox

Apple juice contains an ingredient called quercetin. This ingredient helps strengthen lung function and is especially effective in protecting the lungs from nicotine. It is also effective in preventing lung damage not only from nicotine but also from various pollutants. And apple juice helps normalize insulin secretion. This helps detox from nicotine. It can help maintain lung health by detoxifying nicotine accumulated in the body.

3. Why Apple juice is good for dieting

4. Apple juice Side Effect

  • Consuming apple juice on an empty stomach may harm the lining of the stomach and cause heartburn.

  • Apple juice is low in calories, but contains sugar, which can have negative effects on the body if consumed in excess.

  • Apple juice has the function of activating the stomach, so consuming too much before bed can interfere with a good night’s sleep.

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