Aralia benefits, how to eat it, how to prepare it, how to blanch it deliciously

Aralia Nutrition

Aralia Benefits
Aralia (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionSaponin, beta-carotene, vitamin A
Main BenefitsImproves immunity, relieves fatigue, relieves diabetes, detoxifies
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause diarrhea and abdominal pain

Aralia is a new shoot that grows on an aralia tree. It is a type of wild vegetable. And, It grows well even on dry land and is mainly harvested from April to May. The aralia that grows on the ground is called ground aralia, and the aralia that grows on trees is called true aralia or tree aralia. It has a bitter taste and a unique aroma. After lightly boiling it, you can season it and eat it as a vegetable dish, or you can eat it by dipping it in seasoning sauce. In addition, it is also eaten by adding it to pancakes, fried foods, salads, etc.

2. Aralia Benefits


1. Cardiovascular Health

Aralia contains an ingredient called saponin. Saponin helps excrete waste products in the blood vessels. This helps excrete harmful cholesterol from the blood vessels and lowers blood lipids. It also helps improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels. These functions are effective in preventing and improving various cardiovascular diseases.

2. Enhancement of immunity

Aralia contains various ingredients, and the various ingredients in aralia help improve our body’s immunity. Aralia contains various antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamins. This helps improve immunity by removing free radicals from the body. In addition, aralia is rich in saponin, which is an ingredient with excellent immune-boosting properties that increases the body’s immunity.

3. Fatigue recovery

Consuming aralia can help relieve fatigue. Aralia contains various vitamins and minerals. These are effective in relieving fatigue accumulated in the body and restoring vitality. It also helps promote blood circulation by activating metabolism. And through this function, it is effective in preventing symptoms such as spring fever, which tend to occur in spring.

4. Gastrointestinal health

Aralia has long been said to be helpful for gastrointestinal health. Aralia improves digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive juices. So it is effective in improving digestion. Additionally, aralia helps increase the activation of intestinal bacteria. This helps suppress abnormal fermentation and is effective in improving gastrointestinal diseases such as indigestion and gastritis. So, consuming aralia helps improve and promote overall gastrointestinal health.

5. Prevent diabetes

Saponin contained in aralia is effective in preventing and improving diabetes. Saponin has the effect of preventing rapid rises in blood sugar levels, which helps people suffering from diabetes. This is because saponins help suppress the production of glucose. And saponin has the function of activating insulin secretion, making it effective in preventing diabetes. Additionally, the stem bark of aralia has the function of lowering blood sugar levels, making it effective for diabetic patients.

6. Detoxification

Aralia contains various antioxidant substances such as beta-carotene. They are effective in removing free radicals from the body through their antioxidant action. It also helps to expel waste products and toxins accumulated in the body so that they do not accumulate in the body. Aralia also contains an ingredient called potassium. Potassium has the function of helping excrete sodium from the body, preventing inflammation from building up in the body. This is also effective in improving symptoms such as edema.

3. Aralia Blanching method, care method

4. Aralia Side Effect

  • Aralia has the plant’s own natural toxicity. Although it is a small amount, eating it raw can cause food poisoning.

  • Aralia has a cold nature. So, if a person with a cold body consumes too much, symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain may appear.

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