11 Benefits of Black Tea, Caffeine, Side Effects

Black Tea Nutrition

Black Tea Benefits
Black Tea (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionCaffeine, L-theanine, polyphenol
Main BenefitsBrain health, concentration improvement, fatigue recovery
Side EffectsExcessive intake causes pounding, nervousness, abdominal pain, etc.

Black tea is an old ripening tea native to China. It is more aged than other cars such as green tea, white tea, and oolong tea, which has high nutrients among the cars. It also has a dark aroma and taste thanks to the long aging process. It has a healthy sweetness, so anyone can drink.

Black Tea Benefits

1. Improvement of concentration

Black tea can improve concentration. In particular, L-theanine is a type of amino acid and is known as the most important substance that improves memory and concentration.

One study shows that the ability to perform work is improved by 60% in a group that consumes black tea every morning for 8 weeks of work. Can’t you believe the findings? Drink black tea in the morning. Surprising things happen.

2. Anticancer effect

The rich polyphenol of black tea kills cancer cells and protects normal cells. This antioxidant can prevent a variety of cancers, especially digestive cancer such as gastric cancer and colon cancer.

3. Brain health

Drinking black tea with good nutrients good for blood vessels can prevent various brain diseases. In a 10 -year study, the probability of stroke in a group of three cups of tea every day has a 43% reduction in stroke.

📃 Study on the brain activity measurement according to the type of black tea

4. Prevention of dementia

Black tea is rich in polyphenol, a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can protect the cells in the body, which protects brain cells destroyed in the process of aging to prevent various symptoms of dementia such as Alzheimer.

5. Diabetes easing

A small amount of aged tea can control the hemanglanic levels that are raised after meals. If you keep your blood sugar at normal figures with aged tea, you can reduce the risk of diabetes.

6. Fatigue recovery

Black tea is rich in ingredients that can temporarily awaken the body such as caffeine and theophylline. These ingredients can increase your heart rate and charge your body energy.

7. Prevention of cardiovascular disease

As mentioned earlier, promoting heart movement through caffeine is also related to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Regular heart movement can help keep your heart healthy.

8. Prevention of vascular disease

Periodic black tea intake can emit accumulated waste. It also reduces LDL cholesterol levels to prevent diseases such as high blood pressure or heart attack.

9. Improve the immune system

Most of the immunity comes from a healthy intestine. Black tea can play a role in sending beneficial bacteria to the market. This can create an environment where beneficial bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria can live well inside the intestine. Naturally, immunity can naturally improve.

10. Diet

Black tea can increase metabolic rate. Increasing metabolism increases the required calories, but it is more likely to use fat as an energy source, so it can burn fat naturally.

Also, only 3 calories in a glass! Sweet aroma and taste can also make you don’t think of desserts with high calories.

11. Skin health

The ingredients in black tea can improve skin health. In particular, tannin components heal the wounds of the skin and remove blemishes. Antioxidants, such as polyphenols, improve skin wrinkles and prevent aging. You can have all this amazing effect with a cup of car a day!

Black Tea How to boiling?

Black Tea Side Effect

  1. If you have high blood pressure, it is recommended to eat a small amount. Blood pressure can increase rapidly.

  2. Excessive intake can cause headaches, nausea, and heartbeats to cause nervousness.

  3. Diuretics can cause a lot of urine.

  4. Depending on the constitution, caffeine can cause insomnia.

Black Tea FAQ

Have a caffeine in black tea?

Yes. There is about 20 mg of caffeine in a glass. The longer we or boil, the stronger the taste and aroma, but the caffeine content can be higher.

Can drink black tea instead of water?

No. Because of the caffeine ingredients, excessive intake can lead to faster heartbeats or side effects such as insomnia.

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