Burdock tea benefits, side effects, caffeine, can I drink it instead of water?

Burdock Tea Nutrition

Burdock Tea Benefits
Burdock Tea (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionPolyphenols, fiber, potassium
Main BenefitsPromotes blood vessel health, improves diabetes, and has anti-cancer properties
Side EffectsIt has cold properties, causing diarrhea and abdominal pain when consumed in excess.

Burdock tea is made by washing and drying burdock root and steeping it in water. The more strongly it is brewed, the darker brown it becomes, and if it is steeped moderately, it becomes dark golden. The taste of burdock tea is savory and has a unique burdock aroma. It is known to be effective in dieting, so some people diet with burdock tea. In addition, it is in the spotlight as a health drink as it is rich in various nutrients such as polyphenols and saponins.

Burdock Tea Benefits

Burdock Tea Benefits

1. Diet

Burdock tea is rich in fiber. It has the function of promoting bowel movements and prevents toxins from accumulating in the body, helping with weight loss. And burdock tea has the ability to remove fat and cholesterol, helping prevent fat from accumulating in the body. It is also rich in oligosaccharides, which helps you feel full and is effective in preventing excessive food intake.

2. Vascular Health

Burdock tea contains an ingredient called potassium, which helps maintain blood vessel health. Potassium is effective in improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. Drinking burdock tea also helps remove toxins from the blood. Burdock tea contains active ingredients that help remove harmful microorganisms and ions from the blood. This is effective in detoxifying the blood and promoting blood circulation.

3. Improvement Of Diabetes

Burdock tea may have beneficial effects for people with diabetes. Drinking burdock tea is effective in controlling blood sugar levels by reducing the absorption of harmful sugars in the body. In addition, burdock tea contains components called parts and inulin, and these ingredients have properties that process the parts that the process focuses on. Additionally, it helps supply healthy sugar that helps the body rather than harmful sugar.

4. Skin Health

Burdock tea can also help with skin health. Burdock tea is rich in antioxidants such as luteolin and polyphenols. These ingredients help prevent aging by removing free radicals from the body. Additionally, burdock tea is rich in a component called tannin, which has an anti-inflammatory function that removes inflammation in the body. Therefore, it helps improve skin diseases such as acne and eczema and clears the skin.

5. Female Uterine Health

Burdock tea also helps women’s uterine health. Burdock tea has the function of regulating female hormone secretion. This helps relieve the pain caused by menstrual cramps in women. Burdock tea is also rich in iron, which plays a hematopoietic role in producing blood. So, when women drink burdock tea, it is effective in improving anemia caused by menstruation. It also helps prevent and manage diseases such as uterine fibroids.

6. Anticancer effect

Drinking burdock tea can help prevent and treat cancer. Burdock tea contains ingredients called luteolin and gercetin, which are types of antioxidants. These ingredients help prevent cancer cells from growing and mutating by removing free radicals. Additionally, a component called saponin contained in burdock tea also has anti-cancer effects. In this way, drinking burdock tea can help fight cancer and prevent cancer.

Burdock Tea How to make?

  1. Without peeling the burdock, just remove the dirt and slice it thinly.
  2. Put the burdock in a preheated pan and let it cook with its own moisture and cook 2-3 times.
  3. Wash the cooked burdock in hot water and dry.
  4. Add dried burdock root to hot water, steep it, and drink it as tea.

What is the caffeine content of burdock tea?

Burdock tea does not contain caffeine. Therefore, it is a good tea to drink instead of water. It is a type of tea that is good to drink continuously as it is effective in dieting and improving diabetes.

Side Effect

  1. Burdock tea contains ingredients that promote diuresis, so drinking it like drinking water may damage your body’s functions.
  2. Burdock tea has cold properties. Therefore, if a person with a cold body drinks a lot of burdock tea, he or she should be careful as it may have negative effects on the body.
  3. Burdock tea is rich in potassium, which can be toxic to people with poor kidney function or kidney failure.


💠Cleveland Clinic: Why Burdock Root Is Better as a Food Than as a Supplement
💠Verywellhealth: Burdock: Everything You Need to Know

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