Cabbage outer leaves Boiling method, Benefits, storage - Haejangguk soup, soybean paste soup recipe, Cabbage outer leaves Boiling method, Benefits, storage - Haejangguk soup, soybean paste soup recipe

Cabbage outer leaves Nutrition

Cabbage outer leaves Benefits
Cabbage outer leaves (100g) Nutrition
6, 6g3, 3g0.3, 0.3g32, 32kcal
Main NutritionVitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium
Main BenefitsPrevents anemia, improves immunity, and promotes maternal health
Side EffectsCauses constipation if consumed excessively for a long period of time

Cabbage outer leaves refer to the outer layer or cotyledons selected when trimming green vegetables such as cabbage. When making kimchi, the top part that lacks flavor is covered, and these are also called cabbage outer leaves. Cabbage outer leaves can be easily confused with siraegi, but siraegi is completely different because it is made from dried radish greens. Cabbage outer leaves are mainly used in soups such as stews and stews. However, it is not only used in soup dishes but also for stews and salads. Cabbage outer leaves are the less flavorful parts, but are very rich in nutrients.

2. Cabbage outer leaves Benefits

Cabbage outer leaves miso soup

1. Bone health

Cabbage outer leaves contain more calcium than milk. So regularly consuming cabbage outer leaves can help with bone health. Calcium helps not only our bones but also our teeth. So it strengthens bones and teeth and helps maintain them. It also helps with bone growth and health in growing children whose bones and teeth are growing. Through these effects, it is effective in preventing bone diseases such as osteoporosis that occur when bone density decreases.

2. Pregnant women health

Cabbage outer leaves are rich in an ingredient called folic acid. Folic acid is a member of the vitamin B complex and is a very important ingredient in cell division and growth. Therefore, it is an essential ingredient to help the fetus’ brain development. Folic acid is also effective in preventing Down syndrome and habitual miscarriage, as well as preventing neural tube defects in the fetus. Therefore, when pregnant women consume Cabbage outer leaves, they can supplement folic acid and help protect the health of the fetus.

3. Prevention of anemia

Consuming cabbage outer leaves can also help prevent anemia. This is thanks to the iron and folic acid contained in Cabbage outer leaves. Anemia is a disease that occurs when the blood does not supply enough oxygen necessary for metabolism in the body. It can occur when there is a lack of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen, and the ingredient that helps produce it is iron. Therefore, it is effective in preventing iron deficiency anemia. It also contains folic acid, making it effective in preventing folic acid deficiency anemia.

4. Increase immunity

Cabbage outer leaves contain various ingredients, among which beta-carotene and vitamin C help strengthen the body’s immunity. These two ingredients have antioxidant properties. Therefore, it helps remove free radicals that cause various diseases in the body. They also work to improve blood circulation and promote metabolism. This is effective in boosting immunity. Therefore, it helps prevent diseases caused by various viruses and bacteria introduced from outside.

5. Stock health

Cabbage outer leaves contain dietary fiber, which helps with gastrointestinal health. First, Cabbage outer leaves help when you feel uncomfortable due to bloating or gas. This is because cabbage outer leaves are effective in aiding digestion and comforting the stomach. Additionally, the dietary fiber contained in cabbage outer leaves helps intestinal peristalsis and the creation of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. This is ultimately effective not only in improving and preventing constipation, but also in preventing colon cancer.

6. Diet

Consuming Cabbage outer leaves can be helpful when dieting. First, Cabbage outer leaves are low in calories, with 32 calories per 100g. And the dietary fiber contained in Cabbage outer leaves helps prevent constipation that often occurs when dieting. And it helps with dieting because it keeps you feeling full for a long time. In addition, cabbage outer leaves contain various nutrients such as dietary fiber, protein and vitamins, making them effective for a healthy diet.

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5. Cabbage outer leaves Side Effect

  • Cabbage outer leaves contain a lot of calcium. So, if you consume too much calcium, calcium may build up in your joints.

  • The dietary fiber contained in cabbage outer leaves may cause constipation if consumed excessively for a long period of time.

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