Caffeine side effects, benefits, elimination method, duration

Caffeine Nutrition

Caffeine Benefits
Caffeine (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionCaffeine
Main BenefitsImproved exercise ability, recovery from fatigue, prevention of dementia, reduction of body fat
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, rhinitis, acne, and muscle pain.

Caffeine is the world’s most loved plant alkaloid. It is mainly found in cola, coffee, and cacao, and can stimulate the central nervous system to recharge vitality or recover from fatigue. The absorption time is also fast, so once ingested, more than 80% is absorbed within 30 minutes, and it takes a relatively long time to be excreted.

Caffeine Side Effects

Caffeine Benefits
  1. Palpitations, diarrhea – Excessive intake may cause side effects such as headaches, diarrhea, and palpitations.
  2. Rhinitis and acne – Depending on your constitution, it can cause various respiratory and skin diseases such as rhinitis, runny nose, and acne. This is temporary and your condition may improve when you stop taking it.
  3. Body aches and muscle pain – If you stop taking caffeine for a long time, you may experience temporary body aches.
  4. Caffeine Sensitivity – If you are sensitive to caffeine, it is recommended to refrain from consuming caffeine 4 hours before sleep to improve sleep quality.
  5. Interference with pill absorption – Antibiotics and nutritional supplements in pill form may have very low absorption efficiency or cause side effects when taken with coffee or other caffeinated beverages.
  6. Interferes with Creatine Absorption – It may interfere with the absorption of creatine. To ensure smooth absorption of creatine, it is recommended not to consume caffeine for about 1 hour after intake.
  7. Causes Osteoporosis – Some studies suggest that caffeine may cause osteoporosis by interfering with calcium absorption. To minimize side effects, it is recommended that you consume only the recommended daily amount and increase your vitamin D intake.
  8. Increased blood pressure – Consuming high-caffeine beverages such as coffee or energy drinks may cause blood vessels to constrict, temporarily increasing blood pressure or intraocular pressure.


  1. Improves exercise performance – Consuming caffeine before exercise stimulates the central nervous system, helping to recover from fatigue and increase vitality in the body. The stimulating effect on the body may temporarily improve athletic performance and endurance.
  2. Prevent Dementia – Stimulating the central nervous system can be very helpful in improving memory. Additionally, one study confirmed that it is effective in treating Alzheimer’s dementia and is also good for improving cognitive ability.
  3. Diabetes relief – Moderate amounts of caffeine can maintain the pancreas’ ability to regulate blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. This may help prevent type 2 diabetes.
  4. Mental health – Its central nervous stimulating effects may also be good for depression and mental health. In particular, consuming coffee, which contains a lot of caffeine, is good for relieving stress and is a great way to refresh your mind.
  5. Reduce body fat – Exercising after consuming caffeine may be effective in reducing body fat. It can help you burn calories and burn fat by increasing your metabolic rate.
  6. Improved liver function – One study found that people who consumed about 100 mg of caffeine per day had a 10% lower risk of liver diseases such as hepatitis and liver cancer. Although much research is needed, it is clear that it actually has a positive effect on the liver.

Discharge method

The average duration of caffeine is 3 to 4 hours, depending on your body type. Even after the duration is over, there is still caffeine that remains and is not released, which can interfere with sleep. In this case, it is important to expel it quickly using an appropriate discharge method.

  1. It is recommended to avoid rice, bread, nuts, and fruits high in dietary fiber as they can make you feel full and interfere with caffeine excretion.
  2. If you don’t consume too much caffeine, you can naturally excrete the caffeine by getting enough sleep for about 30 minutes.
  3. Drinking plenty of water or engaging in exercise that increases metabolism, such as walking or running, can help excrete caffeine.
  4. Caffeine excretion may occur at different rates depending on metabolism. It is recommended to eat plenty of green vegetables to boost your metabolism.

If you have problems excreting caffeine and experience problems such as severe headaches, dizziness, respiratory problems, or muscle cramps, you should immediately visit a nearby hospital.

recommended daily amount

The recommended daily amount of caffeine for adult men is 400 mg. To get 400 mg from your usual beverage, you would need the following amounts:

  • 3 cups of Americano coffee
  • 4 cans of energy drink
  • 10 cans of cola
  • 20 cups of green tea


🔹MedPark Hospital: Caffeine: Benefits, Side Effects, Daily Dosage
🔹HealthLine: 9 Health Benefits of Coffee, Based on Science
🔹Johns Hopkins Medicine: 9 Reasons Why Coffee Is Good for You

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