Chestnuts Sweet Potato Amazing 4 Benefits, Calories

Chestnuts Sweet Potato Nutrition

Chestnuts Sweet Potato Benefits
Chestnuts Sweet Potato (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionPotassium, Vitamin C
Main BenefitsAnti-inflammatory and promotes heart health
Side EffectsBe careful when consuming if you have a history of urinary stones.

Chestnut sweet potato is a type of sweet potato, a sweet, starchy root vegetable grown around the world, so named for its chestnut flavor. Chestnut sweet potatoes have a stronger savory taste than sweet and are chewy, so you may feel uncomfortable when swallowing them. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and chestnut sweet potatoes in particular contain more dietary fiber and carbohydrates than other sweet potatoes, which help with constipation and colon cancer.

2. Chestnuts Sweet Potato Benefits

Chestnuts Sweet Potato

1. Gastrointestinal health

The fiber and antioxidants in sweet potatoes are beneficial for gut health. Fiber stays in your digestive tract and provides a variety of gut-related health benefits. Soluble fiber absorbs water and softens stool. Non-viscous insoluble fiber, on the other hand, adds bulk to stool without absorbing water. Additionally, some soluble and insoluble fibers can be fermented by bacteria in the colon to produce compounds called short-chain fatty acids that fuel the cells lining your intestines and keep them healthy and strong. This helps improve symptoms of intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

2. Relieve stress

Sweet potatoes contain significant amounts of magnesium, a mineral essential for normal body function. One of the most important benefits of magnesium is that it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Magnesium deficiency and depression are related because both are characterized by cell-mediated immune responses and systemic inflammation. Sweet potatoes help replenish magnesium levels in the body and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety-related behaviors in individuals.

3. Anti-inflammatory effect

Sweet potatoes contain significant amounts of vitamins, many of which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Sweet potatoes are also high in choline, a very versatile nutrient. One of the main advantages of cholin is to reduce inflammation by reducing the body’s inflammatory response. The various vitamins and choline contained in sweet potatoes are an essential dietary source for preventing and reducing chronic inflammation in the body.

4. Heart Health

Oxidation in the body can cause complications such as atherosclerosis, which can lead to the development of several cardiovascular diseases. Polyphenols contained in chestnut sweet potatoes can inhibit oxidation in humans and reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. Its scavenging activity and high levels of polyphenols contribute to its antioxidant properties and help minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sweet potatoes also contain soluble dietary fiber, which is closely associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Chestnuts Sweet Potato Boiling method, steaming method

4. Chestnuts Sweet Potato Side Effect

  • The potassium in sweet potatoes helps excrete sodium, but excessive intake can put a strain on the kidneys, so people with kidney problems should be careful when consuming them.

  • The oxalic acid in sweet potatoes can cause urinary stones, so people with a history of urinary stones should be careful when consuming them.

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