Cod roe 9 benefits, calories, storage method, expiration date?

Cod roe Nutrition

Cod roe Benefits
Cod roe (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin B, vitamin E, minerals, zinc
Main BenefitsDementia prevention, fatigue recovery, immunity enhancement
Side EffectsBe careful when consuming if you have high blood pressure as it contains a large amount of sodium.

Cod roe is salted fish made from pollack roe, which is pickled and fermented in salt. You can also add red pepper powder to make it spicy. Cod roe has an elongated and round shape, like a fire bud, and has a bright red color. Since it is pickled in salt, it has a salty taste, but it has a unique savory taste, so it is called rice thief. It has the advantage of excellent preservation properties, and Korea is where Cod roe first originated. Cod roe can be eaten raw by putting a little bit on rice, grilled, or put into soup.

Cod roe Benefits

1. Immunity Enhancement

Cod roe is rich in various minerals and zinc. This is an ingredient involved in immune cells such as macrophages and white blood cells, and can strengthen the immune system by strengthening them.

2. Promote metabolism

Various vitamins and minerals contained in cod roe have the function of promoting metabolism. It can help protect the body from external viruses and is responsible for the overall vitality of the body.

3. Prevention of neurodegenerative diseases

Cod roe contains docosahexaenoic acid, a type of unsaturated fatty acid. This ingredient is a major structural component of the human brain, and if it is lacking, cognitive decline may occur due to the death of nerve cells. Consuming cod roe can help your nerve cells do their job.

4. Improves memory

Likewise, it helps maintain and develop brain function by activating brain cells. This is effective in preventing dementia and improving brain health in children.

5. Blood vessel health

Cod roe is rich in vitamin B2 and unsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin B2 is called riboflavin, and it helps reduce neutral lipids and waste products accumulated in blood vessels. This is effective in preventing arteriosclerosis, which blocks blood vessels.

6. Reduce cholesterol levels

The rich unsaturated fatty acids contained in cod roe also help lower harmful cholesterol levels in the blood. These ingredients help keep your heart healthy. It can also prevent heart diseases such as heart attack and myocardial infarction.

📃What is the effect of unsaturated fatty acids in pollack roe?

7. Relieve fatigue

Cod roe contains vitamin B, an ingredient that helps relieve fatigue. Vitamin B is an ingredient involved in various metabolic activities such as energy production in the body, and when fatigue accumulates in the body, a greater amount of vitamin B is consumed than usual.

Cod roe helps to recover from fundamental fatigue by consuming insufficient vitamin B. It also helps replenish energy, making it an essential food for modern people.

8. Prevents skin aging

Rich in vitamin B2 and vitamin E, they help prevent aging. Vitamin E removes free radicals through its antioxidant action. This prevents skin aging.

9. Improve skin elasticity

Smooth circulation of skin capillaries can be of great help in improving wrinkles and improving skin elasticity. The vitamin B2 ingredient mentioned above plays a role in regulating sebum secretion and is effective in preventing skin from becoming rough.

Cod roe How to eat delicious

Cod roe Side Effect

  • Cod roe is a food that is high in sodium. If you have high blood pressure, excessive intake may have negative effects on your body.

  • Cod roe with added color may be present in commercially available products. If you consume cod roe with added pigment, you may be exposed to carcinogens.

  • Excessive intake may cause side effects such as upset stomach, diarrhea, or abdominal pain.

Cod roe FAQ

How to eat cod roe?

You can eat it with rice or add sesame oil and pepper. It goes particularly well with mayonnaise, as it removes the fishy smell of cod roe and makes it softer to eat.

How to store cod roe?

Storage method may vary depending on the period of consumption. If eating within a week, place in an airtight container and refrigerate. If you plan to eat it for a long time, it should be stored in an airtight container and frozen. It can be consumed within 1 to 2 months.

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