Cordyceps sinensis benefits, how to eat it - Food that is good for blood vessel health

Cordyceps Nutrition

Cordyceps Benefits
Cordyceps (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin B, vitamin C, dietary fiber
Main BenefitsAnti-inflammatory, anti-cancer action, improved vascular health
Side EffectsIf you have a lot of body heat, it is recommended to consume only small amounts.

Cordyceps is a type of mushroom. Unlike other mushrooms, when an insect dies and a corpse is found, it becomes a parasite there and grows by feeding on the insect’s nutrients. So the name Cordyceps sinensis was given, meaning that what was an insect in the winter dies and then turns into a mushroom in the summer. It is very small in size and has a difficult habitat environment, so it is difficult to find and is quite expensive. It is one of the three major herbal medicines along with ginseng and deer antler. Cordyceps sinensis can be consumed by boiling it or adding it to health food.

2. Cordyceps Benefits


1. Immunity Enhancement

Cordyceps sinensis contains an ingredient called cordycepin. This ingredient is a natural antibiotic and helps activate weakened immune function. And the ingredient called militarin contained in Cordyceps sinensis also helps increase immunity. This is because it strengthens immunity by activating metabolism. Cordyceps sinensis has a higher immune-boosting effect than zymosan, which is used as an immune booster, and is effective in boosting immunity.

2. Kidney health

Consuming Cordyceps sinensis may benefit kidney health. Cordyceps sinensis has the effect of preventing fibrosis in the kidneys. Additionally, it helps prevent and suppress inflammation in the kidneys. This is effective in preventing various kidney diseases and disorders. And Cordyceps sinensis contains an ingredient called D-mantinol. This ingredient is not absorbed by the kidneys and helps strengthen kidney function by helping with diuresis.

3. Anticancer Effect

The cordycepin component contained in Cordyceps sinensis helps activate immune function. This serves to prevent healthy cells from mutating into cancer cells. Various studies using Cordyceps sinensis also prove that Cordyceps sinensis has anticancer effects. According to one experiment, Cordyceps sinensis helps destroy cancer cells and inhibit metastasis, and is also effective in suppressing tumors in the body.

4. Vascular Health

Cordyceps sinensis may also help with blood vessel health. Cordyceps sinensis is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. This is effective in purifying the blood. It also helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood, preventing cholesterol and various waste products from accumulating in the blood vessels. This makes blood flow smoother and helps lower blood pressure, making it effective in preventing various cardiovascular diseases.

5. Relieve Fatigue

Cordyceps sinensis contains rich proteins and amino acids. Thanks to these ingredients, Cordyceps sinensis is known to help with fatigue recovery and nourishment. Therefore, consuming Cordyceps sinensis is effective in relieving fatigue by replenishing energy and helping to restore vitality to the body. It also helps relieve muscle fatigue after physical exertion such as exercise. Additionally, the melatonin contained in Cordyceps sinensis has a sleep-assisting function and can help calm depression.

3. Cordyceps How to eat

4. Cordyceps Side Effect

  • Cordyceps sinensis is a type of mushroom. Therefore, people allergic to mushrooms may experience an allergic reaction if consumed.

  • If a person with a lot of body heat consumes too much, it may have a negative effect on the body.

  • Excessive consumption of Cordyceps sinensis may cause gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain.

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