Crown Daisy Benefits, Storage, Side Effects

Crown Daisy Nutrition

Crown Daisy Benefits
Crown Daisy (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionBeta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C
Main BenefitsImproves insomnia, relieves inflammation and allergic reactions, and promotes skin health
Side EffectsExcessive intake causes sleepiness and diarrhea

Crown Daisy is a vegetable belonging to the Asteraceae family. It has yellow or white flowers and blooms in summer. In the West, Crown Daisy is mainly cultivated for ornamental purposes, but in the East it is grown as an edible vegetable. It has a unique scent, which helps remove the fishy smell of food. So, it is sometimes added to foods containing seafood, such as Soup. In addition, it can be made into kimchi, pancakes or vegetables, and used as a wrap vegetable.

Crown Daisy Benefits

Crown Daisy Benefits

1. Allergy improvement

Crown Daisy is called a natural antihistamine. This is thanks to the various vitamins and antioxidants that are abundant in Crown Daisy. Allergies cause inflammation and symptoms due to bacteria that enter the body through the nose and mouth. However, the various ingredients contained in crown daisy have an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to expel allergic substances from the body. It is also effective in improving allergies by preventing excessive secretion of histamine, which is one of the causes of allergic diseases.

2. Eye health

Consuming Crown Daisy is also effective for eye health. Crown Daisy is rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A when absorbed into the body. Vitamin A is well known as an ingredient that helps with eye health. It functions to help synthesize rhodopsin, which helps prevent and improve eye diseases such as night blindness. In addition, it is effective in protecting eyesight and relieving eye fatigue.

3. Skin health

Crown Daisy contains various antioxidant substances. One of them, beta-carotene, is effective in removing oxygen radicals from the body. Free radicals accelerate skin aging and must be removed for skin health. It also helps prevent skin cell damage. Additionally, Crown Daisy contains various vitamins, which help strengthen the skin barrier and improve skin diseases such as freckles and blemishes.

4. Vascular health

Crown Daisy is also helpful for blood vessel health, thanks to the chlorogenic acid and potassium contained in Crown Daisy. First, chlorogenic acid helps excrete waste products in the blood vessels. This helps to excrete cholesterol in the blood vessels and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Additionally, potassium has the function of excreting sodium from the blood vessels. This helps prevent various cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure by lowering and stabilizing blood pressure.

5. Improvement of insomnia

Consuming Crown Daisy calms the body and nerves and helps improve insomnia. Crown Daisy is rich in calcium. Calcium’s main benefit is bone health, but it is also involved in nerve transmission and melatonin hormone production. Because melatonin affects sleep, a lack of calcium can cause insomnia. So, consuming crown daisy helps relieve insomnia by replenishing calcium.

6. Bone health

Crown Daisy is rich in calcium and vitamin K, which are helpful for bone health. First, calcium is an ingredient that makes up bones and teeth. In addition, it prevents bone density from deteriorating, preventing fractures, and helps with the growth of young children. Vitamin K functions to synthesize a protein called osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is an ingredient that helps calcium adhere to bones, helping to build bones and improve bone density. Therefore, consuming Crown Daisy is effective in preventing bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Storage Method

Wrap washed Crown Daisy in a damp kitchen towel or newspaper and store them in an airtight container. It can be kept fresh for up to 7 days.

Grooming method

  1. Trim off any wilted or dirty leaves.
  2. Wash the stems and leaves under running water.
  3. Drain and store or use in cooking.

Side Effect

  • Crown Daisy has warm properties. Therefore, if a person with a lot of body heat consumes too much, it may have a negative effect on the body.
  • Excessive consumption may cause side effects such as diarrhea and cause drowsiness.


🔹GregApp: Symbolism and Benefits of the Crown Daisy
🔹Heal with Food: Health Benefits of Crown daisy

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