Dried plum benefits, calories - Fruit good for constipation

Dried plum Nutrition

Dried plum Benefits
Dried plum (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionBeta-carotene, polyphenol
Main BenefitsRelieves constipation and prevents cardiovascular disease
Side EffectsIt lowers blood sugar, so be careful when taking it if you are taking diabetes medication.

This refers to dried plums. It has a black color and its surface is wrinkled because it is dry. It is also called prune, and prune is a type of plum that is dried with the seeds still in it. This is because regular plums often rot when dried with seeds still in them. Dried plums can be consumed as is, but they are often made into juice. It is especially popular as a constipation juice as it is known to be good for improving constipation. In addition, it contains various nutrients.

2. Dried plum Benefits

Dried plum

1. Relieve constipation

Dried plums are a good source of insoluble and soluble fiber. First, insoluble fiber helps relieve constipation by lowering the pressure in the large intestine. Soluble fiber facilitates digestion and helps absorb nutrients from food. So, these benefits help you pass stool easily and help with digestive health. Additionally, dried plums contain an ingredient called sorbitol. This ingredient absorbs moisture from the intestines and stimulates the intestines to induce bowel movements. This is effective in relieving constipation.

2. Skin Health

Dried plums contain various antioxidants such as beta-carotene and polyphenols. They help suppress and prevent skin aging by removing free radicals. This is effective in improving wrinkles and creating elastic skin. It also helps prevent skin cell damage and is effective in resolving skin problems such as spots and freckles. Dried plums also contain minerals such as copper. This helps transport iron and helps maintain healthy skin.

3. Bone Health

Consuming dried plums may help support bone health. Dried plums contain ingredients that help bone health, such as vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium. Vitamin K plays an important role in the production of osteocalcin, one of the bone proteins. So it plays a very important role in bone health. Additionally, patients suffering from osteoporosis often have low levels of vitamin K in their bodies. Therefore, consuming dried plums can help maintain healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis.

4. Cardiovascular health

Dried plums have the ability to lower blood pressure and help regulate blood pressure. And dried plums are rich in potassium. Potassium helps purify the blood by excreting sodium from the blood. It is also effective in preventing blood clots from forming. And dried plums are rich in antioxidants. They help maintain cholesterol levels in the body and prevent harmful cholesterol from building up on blood vessel walls.

5. Blood sugar management

Dried plums are rich in soluble fiber.. Soluble fiber helps slow down the movement of food through the intestines. This ultimately helps slow down glucose absorption, which helps prevent rapid rises in blood sugar levels. It also helps increase insulin sensitivity, making it effective in lowering blood sugar levels. Consuming dried plums can help manage blood sugar levels.

3. Dried plum How to eat delicious

4. Dried plum Side Effect

  • Because it contains a lot of fiber, excessive consumption may cause symptoms such as stomachache.

  • Dried plums have a cold nature. So, if you consume too much, symptoms such as diarrhea may occur.

  • It has the effect of lowering blood sugar, so people taking diabetes medication should be careful.

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