Goat milk protein benefits, side effects, how to eat, product recommendation

Goat milk protein Nutrition

Goat milk protein Benefits
Goat milk protein (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionProtein, Vitamin E, Zinc, Calcium
Main BenefitsIncreased bone density, improved immunity, muscle cell activation
Side EffectsIf you have kidney disease, consume after consulting a specialist.

Goat milk protein refers to the result of protein extraction from goat milk through a processing process. It has many similar ingredients to human breast milk and is low in lactose, which can alleviate lactose intolerance. It has a harmonious ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, giving it nutrients close to that of a superfood.

2. Goat milk protein Benefits

Goat milk protein

1. Muscle growth

Goat milk protein has 4.5g of protein per 100g. You’ll get a lot more protein than regular milk, which can help with muscle growth.

2. Enhancement of immunity

Goat milk protein contains various nutrients that help build immunity, such as BCAA and zinc. It is also rich in B vitamins and minerals, which can help boost our body’s immunity.

3. Increased bone density

Goat milk is rich in nutrients and has a very high calcium absorption rate. This can help increase bone density and prevent arthritis. This effect is similar to boswellia and is good for bone health.

4. Gastrointestinal health

Goat milk protein has a very high absorption rate when digested. Therefore, it can solve digestive problems in young children and the elderly. Also, unlike regular proteins, it helps your stomach feel more comfortable when digested.

5. Alleviate lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a condition where drinking milk alone causes diarrhea or stomach upset. Goat milk has a lower lactose content than regular milk, which can alleviate lactose intolerance. Additionally, the nutrient absorption rate is very high, allowing you to consume nutrients more efficiently.

6. Control of insulin levels

Experiments on rats showed that goat milk lowered insulin levels. If you have diabetes, you can control your insulin levels appropriately by consuming the appropriate amount each day.

7. Skin health

It is said that many people in ancient times consumed goat milk for skin care purposes. Cleopatra especially enjoyed eating it, and it is said to be very rich in minerals, minerals, and calcium necessary for skin health.

8. Diet

Goat milk has a lower fat content than regular milk, so it may be helpful in controlling your diet. It is also rich in nutrients, so it can fill in nutritional deficiencies when dieting.

3. Goat milk protein Product Recommendation

4. Goat milk protein Side Effect

  • The recommended daily intake of goat milk protein range is 4-50g. It’s 1-2 scoops.

  • If you have kidney disease, it is recommended to consume after consulting a specialist.

  • Excessive consumption of goat milk may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, or digestive problems.

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