Gold kiwifruit Benefits, Calories, Side effects, Storage instructions

Gold kiwifruit Nutrition

Gold kiwifruit Benefits
Gold kiwifruit (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionDietary fiber, vitamin C
Main BenefitsPromotes skin and gastrointestinal health and strengthens immunity
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause tongue pain and abdominal pain

Gold kiwifruit is a fruit that is an improved variety of green kiwi. Typically, kiwi is a fruit with green flesh, but the flesh of Gold kiwifruit, as its name suggests, is an intense golden or yellow color. Compared to green kiwi, it is slightly lower in calories, has fewer seeds, and has no hair on the outer skin. Gold kiwifruit is juicy, soft and has a sweet taste.

Gold kiwifruit Benefits

1. Pregnant women’s health

Gold kiwifruit is rich in vitamins. In addition, it is also rich in folic acid, one of the ingredients necessary for pregnant women. Folic acid helps improve the health of pregnant women, including improving anemia and habitual miscarriage. In addition, folic acid is beneficial to the development of the fetus’s nervous system and brain, so it is beneficial to the fetus’s health.

2. Treating asthma and strengthening immunity

Gold kiwifruit contains high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants. These two ingredients may help treat asthma patients. Both ingredients have a positive effect on lung function, helping people with asthma. Vitamin C also promotes metabolism and helps blood circulation, making it effective in strengthening immunity against viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it helps the health of children who often suffer from minor illnesses such as colds.

3. Gastrointestinal health

Gold kiwifruit is rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber stimulates intestinal movement and is effective in improving intestinal health and constipation. Gold kiwifruit also contains an ingredient called actinidin, which breaks down proteins to relieve the burden on the stomach and aid digestion, thereby promoting digestion. Therefore, people who eat protein such as meat and have difficulty digesting it can benefit from eating kiwi for dessert.

4. Skin Health

Gold kiwifruit has higher vitamin C content than green kiwi. Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen, which is essential for skin health, improves wrinkles, and prevents skin aging. In addition, it has the function of suppressing skin pigmentation of melanin, which causes skin to darken, and helps with skin whitening, skin soothing, and skin elasticity, thereby contributing to overall skin beauty and health.

Gold kiwifruit Side Effect

  1. Gold kiwifruit contains an ingredient called oxalic acid. Be careful because this ingredient can cause kidney stones if it combines with calcium.
  2. Gold kiwifruit is high in dietary fiber. Therefore, excessive intake may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  3. Gold kiwifruit contains proteolytic enzymes. If consumed in excess, this enzyme may affect the tongue and cause itching.

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