Jujube benefits, calories, side effects, making jujube tea delicious

Jujube Nutrition

Jujube Benefits
Jujube (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionDietary fiber, vitamins A, B, C
Main BenefitsHelps promote vascular health and anti-inflammatory action
Side EffectsIf you have a lot of body heat, it is recommended to consume small amounts.

The name of the fruit grown from the jujube tree is jujube. It has an oval shape and is green when unripe, but changes color to red when ripe. However, it is used in many ways whether it is green or red when ripe. However, it is used in many ways whether it is green or red when ripe. It is also used as a medicinal ingredient and can be consumed as a tea or as a garnish for various dishes.

Jujube Benefits

Jujube Benefits

1. Blood Pressure Management And Blood Vessel Health

Jujubes help increase levels of nitric oxide. This helps blood flow to the brain, reducing high blood pressure and is effective in managing blood pressure. Jujubes are also high in potassium, but low in sodium. This dilates blood vessels and helps maintain appropriate blood pressure. Additionally, various minerals such as iron and zinc contained in jujubes also help regulate blood flow in the body.

2. Sleep Health

Jujube is known to help relieve anxiety and relieve insomnia. Jujube contains ingredients called saponin and spinosin, which are effective in relieving nerves by helping to stabilize the nerves. Additionally, the calcium contained in jujubes helps produce melatonin, a type of sleep hormone, which helps you sleep well. It is also effective in preventing and improving insomnia, a type of sleep disorder.

3. Anti-Inflammatory And Antibacterial Effect

Jujubes have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, thanks to the ingredient betulinic acid they contain. This ingredient has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps improve and prevent inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and stomatitis. It is also effective in relieving pain caused by this. It also prevents diseases caused by bacteria by inhibiting the growth of bacteria such as E. coli.

4. Improves Digestive Health

Jujubes are rich in dietary fiber, which helps with digestive health. One of the biggest benefits of dietary fiber is that it helps make bowel movements easier. So, consuming jujubes helps prevent and improve constipation. Additionally, jujubes have the function of warming the inside and helping with good digestion.

5. Anti-Aging

Jujubes contain various vitamins and minerals. These ingredients help promote metabolism in the body and are effective in preventing aging. Additionally, jujubes are rich in an ingredient called beta-carotene. When this ingredient enters our body, it has a powerful antioxidant effect, which removes free radicals. Active oxygen is a component that causes aging in the body, and consuming jujube helps prevent aging.

6. Relieves Cough And Prevents Colds

Jujube has warm properties, so it is effective in warming the body. And jujube helps strengthen the respiratory system, so it stops coughing due to colds and helps improve colds. Jujubes contain an enzyme called bromelain, which is effective in reducing phlegm and mucus buildup. So, consuming jujube helps improve and prevent respiratory diseases.

7. Diet

Jujubes have 104 calories per 100g. Dried jujubes are a bit high at 260 calories per 100g, but they are good for dieting because you can get the minerals and vitamins you are missing when eating them. It can also improve your immune system and prevent residual illnesses that occur while dieting.

Making sugar-free jujube tea

  1. Soak 200g of dried jujubes in water, and when the wrinkles are smooth, grind them in a blender.
  2. Add ground jujube to water containing ginger, cinnamon, and licorice and boil for about 20 minutes.

Side Effect

  1. Although unripe jujubes taste good when consumed, caution should be exercised as excessive consumption may cause side effects such as stomachache.
  2. Jujubes contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, if a person who is losing weight consumes too much, it may have a negative effect on weight loss.
  3. Jujube has warm properties. Therefore, people with a lot of body heat should be careful as side effects such as vomiting may occur if they consume too much.


💠MedIndia: Top 12 Health Benefits of Jujube Fruit
💠Cleveland Clinic: What We Know About Jujube Fruit’s Benefits

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