King oyster mushroom benefits, calories, preparation method, storage method, expiration date

King oyster mushroom Nutrition

King oyster mushroom Benefits
King oyster mushroom (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionDietary fiber, beta-glucan, potassium, vitamin C
Main BenefitsAnti-cancer effect, improved liver health, blood circulation, improved immunity, skin elasticity
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause heartburn, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

King oyster mushroom is a mushroom belonging to the oyster family. It is a substitute for wild pine mushrooms and has a similar texture to pine mushrooms. However, compared to pine mushrooms, the body is thicker and the cap is smaller. It has a lower moisture content than other mushrooms, which allows it to be stored for a long time. Additionally, unlike other mushrooms, it is rich in vitamin C. King oyster mushrooms are eaten in a variety of ways, including stir-fried or grilled as a side dish.

2. King oyster mushroom Benefits

King oyster mushroom dish

1. Blood vessel Health

King oyster mushrooms contain ingredients such as beta-glucan and potassium. Beta-glucan helps lower blood cholesterol levels. In addition, it is effective in reducing neutral fat, which helps prevent diseases such as arteriosclerosis by purifying the blood. And in the case of potassium, it helps excrete waste products such as sodium. This is effective in purifying the blood and improving blood circulation.

2. Enhancement of immunity

2. Enhancement of immunity This ingredient prevents cells from becoming tumors and helps improve the body’s immune function. This is because beta-glucan has the function of activating various immune cells that control immune function. Additionally, the various vitamin ingredients in king oyster mushrooms help activate metabolism in the body. This is effective in improving immunity.

3. Improvement of diabetes

Consuming king oyster mushrooms can help improve diabetes. Beta-glucan, a major nutritional ingredient, is a type of polysaccharide. This helps delay the digestion and absorption of sugars in the body after a meal. This prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly and is effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Thanks to these effects, it is also called natural insulin. It also has the ability to improve insulin resistance, making it effective in alleviating symptoms in people suffering from diabetes.

4. Skin Health

King oyster mushrooms are rich in vitamin C compared to other mushrooms. Vitamin C is an ingredient that helps skin cell regeneration. This helps restore skin elasticity. It is also effective in preventing the synthesis of melanin, which darkens the skin. Therefore, it helps whiten the skin and prevent skin diseases such as freckles and blemishes. And vitamin C is a type of antioxidant and is effective in slowing down skin aging.

5. Anticancer effect

The representative effect of beta-glucan in king oyster mushroom is its anti-cancer effect. Beta-glucan does not work directly to eliminate cancer cells. However, it functions to activate macrophages and immune cells. Through this, it acts as an anti-cancer agent by causing cells to eliminate tumor cells or cancer cells. It also inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells in the body and prevents cells from becoming more tumorous. It also helps remove carcinogens, contributing to its anti-cancer effect.

6. Promotes digestive health

King oyster mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber that helps with intestinal health. Therefore, it helps the peristalsis of the intestines and helps the beneficial bacteria in the intestines to proliferate. This helps prevent constipation by expelling waste from the intestines. And king oyster mushrooms are rich in essential amino acids and moisture. This protects the stomach lining and helps regulate gastric acid secretion. This is effective in preventing and improving gastrointestinal diseases such as heartburn by preventing stomach acid from refluxing.

7. Supports liver function

Consuming king oyster mushrooms helps maintain and protect liver health. King oyster mushrooms help prevent fat deposition in the liver. Therefore, it is effective in preventing liver diseases such as fatty liver. King oyster mushrooms also contain a component called niacin, which helps detoxify acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is caused by alcohol and is the cause of hangovers. Therefore, it is effective in helping relieve hangovers and protecting the liver.

3. King oyster mushroom Grooming method

4. King oyster mushroom Storage

5. King oyster mushroom Side Effect

  • Excessive consumption may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain or diarrhea.

  • It may vary depending on your constitution, but excessive intake may cause heartburn symptoms.

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