Korean Melon Benefits, Seasons, Side Effects

Korean Melon Nutrition

Korean Melon Benefits
Korean Melon (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionMoisture, dietary fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C
Main BenefitsPrevents cardiovascular disease, promotes skin health, and improves constipation
Side EffectsContains a large amount of potassium, so be careful when consuming if you have kidney disease.

Korean Melon is a fruit that is yellow overall and has white stripes. Although it is a palm-sized fruit, it is low in calories and very nutritious. It gives us many health benefits, from restoring bone health to giving our skin a glow.

Korean Melon Bennefits

Korean Melon Bennefits

1. Cardiovascular health

Rich in potassium and low in sodium, Korean Melon can be of great help in managing blood pressure and preventing high blood pressure. Potassium counteracts the effects of sodium, and the more potassium you consume, the more you urinate. This means there is less potassium in your bloodstream, which helps lower blood pressure by reducing tension in your blood vessels.

2. Anticancer effect

Korean Melon is very rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which have been linked to cancer prevention. Vitamin A and vitamin E prevent lipid oxidation, and beta-carotene, folic acid, and vitamin C help prevent cervical abnormalities, helping prevent breast and cervical cancer.

3. Skin regeneration

Rich in vitamin C, it is essential for skin health. The vitamins contained in Korean Melon regenerate skin damaged by UV rays and make the skin more elastic.

4. Increased bone density

Vitamin K and calcium are the main building blocks of bones, and Korean Melon, which is rich in nutrients such as vitamin K and calcium, is very good for bone health. You may think that only dairy products can make your bones healthy, but eating Korean Melon can give you even more benefits while providing bone density and strength.

5. Digestive health

Korean Melon is very rich in soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Fiber aids in the digestive process and thus keeps the digestive system healthy. Consuming Korean Melon helps prevent constipation, which is the cause of many bowel-related diseases, and helps remove toxins from the body.

6. Constipation improvement

Korean Melon is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber. It can help with constipation by diluting stool, and when consumed with water-rich cucumbers, it can expel waste from the body through its diuretic effect.

How to store and choose

It is recommended to choose Korean Melon that is bright yellow and has a fresh stem. The best storage method is to wrap it in newspaper and store it in the refrigerator. It is recommended to store sliced ​​Korean Melon in an airtight container.

Korean Melon Season

Korean Melon is a fruit that can be eaten from March to August. The sweetest time is from June to August, when the juice is the sweetest.

Side Effect

  1. Korean Melon is a cold fruit, so people with a cold body should avoid excessive consumption.
  2. It contains a lot of potassium, so people with kidney disease or high blood pressure should avoid consuming it.
  3. The stem of Korean Melon is toxic and excessive consumption may cause symptoms such as diarrhea, so it is recommended to remove the stem before consuming it.


💠IN THE KITCHEN WITH MATT: Korean Melon How to Eat and Taste
💠Reddit: Korean Melon : Everything and 6 benefits of crunchy

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