Lactobacillus benefits, side effects, when to take it? - Nutrients that are good for the intestines

Lactobacillus Nutrition

Lactobacillus Benefits
Lactobacillus (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionLactobacillus
Main BenefitsImproves immunity, improves intestinal health, relieves constipation
Side EffectsExcessive intake reduces detoxification ability and causes diarrhea

Lactobacillus is a bacterium. Produced by fermentation, it breaks down sugars to produce lactic acid. It is generally known to be good for intestinal health, and is a beneficial bacterium for humans as it has the function of removing harmful bacteria once they enter our body. Because it is a bacteria produced through fermentation, it is abundant in fermented foods such as kimchi and cheese. So, if you eat a lot of fermented foods, you can also consume a lot of Lactobacillus. It can also be processed and consumed in the form of nutritional supplements such as pills.

2. Lactobacillus Benefits

Lactobacillus foods

1. Immunity Enhancement

More than 60% of our body’s immune system is concentrated in the intestines. So, if your gut health is good, your immunity will naturally improve as well. Lactobacillus forms a protective barrier on the intestinal mucosa to prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying. It also stimulates intestinal cells to produce a substance called immunoglobulin A. In this way, Lactobacillus helps improve immunity by developing immune cells by creating a healthy intestinal mucosa.

2. Relieve skin troubles

Everyone has stool in their intestines. The longer you have this stool, the more toxic substances can penetrate into the blood, causing problems on the face, where blood vessels are relatively more exposed. Lactobacillus helps with skin health by solving these skin problems by causing stool to be expelled quickly. Additionally, various metabolites in Lactobacillus suppress skin problems such as acne bacteria on the skin.

3. Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation

Lactobacillus also helps suppress cancer cell proliferation. It suppresses the proliferation of harmful bacteria that produce carcinogens in the intestines and also helps with anti-cancer action by inducing them to die on their own. It also inhibits the production of enzymes that cause cancer and helps excrete carcinogens out of the body. Additionally, research has shown that taking Lactobacillus during chemotherapy reduces diarrhea and stomach discomfort caused by chemotherapy.

4. Oral health

Lactobacillus helps maintain oral health by increasing the good bacteria in the mouth, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria that cause gum disease. It also prevents gum disease from occurring by controlling the activity of harmful bacteria. Lactobacillus also strengthens teeth by neutralizing acids that destroy the enamel that protects teeth. It is also effective in preventing bad breath by removing inflammation in the oral cavity.

5. Gut Health

When Lactobacillus enters the body, it settles in the intestines and helps maintain intestinal health. At this time, Lactobacillus prevents the occurrence of disease by preventing harmful bacteria from attaching to the digestive tract. Additionally, antibiotic substances are produced by Lactobacillus, which helps kill harmful bacteria in the intestines and inhibit their growth. And by combining minerals, etc., it improves the nutritional status of the intestines and helps create healthy intestines.

3. Lactobacillus What time do you eat? Before meal? After eating?

4. Lactobacillus Side Effect

  • People who are taking immunosuppressants or have a severely weakened immune system should be careful because excessive consumption of Lactobacillus can cause infections just like ordinary bacteria.

  • If you consume too much Lactobacillus, your intestinal function may become too active and side effects such as diarrhea may occur, so be careful.

  • Caution must be exercised because excessive intake of Lactobacillus may reduce liver detoxification ability in some people.

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