Liriope muscari benefits, side effects, how to eat - good food for diabetes

Liriope muscari Nutrition

Liriope muscari Benefits
Liriope muscari (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionSaponin, dietary fiber, vitamin C
Main BenefitsImproving sugar levels, improving constitution, improving respiratory health
Side EffectsBecause it contains cold ingredients, it is recommended to consume in small amounts if you feel cold.

Liriope muscari is a plant belonging to the Liliaceae family. It is distributed all over the world and has the characteristic of growing well even in shady places, so it can be easily found in urban gardens. It has purple and violet flowers, and the leaves are elongated and gathered together to form an orchid, which looks similar to an orchid. The roots resemble veins, hence the name Liriope muscari. Additionally, the tip of the root grows larger and takes on a peanut-like shape. The roots of Liriope muscari are mainly used as medicine, and are often consumed by boiling it as tea.

2. Liriope muscari Benefits

Dried Liriope muscari

1. Respiratory health

One of the main benefits of Liriope muscari is that it helps with respiratory health. Liriope muscari contains saponin, which helps regulate mucus in the respiratory mucosa. Through this, it is effective in antitussive expectorant action that eliminates cough and phlegm. It also helps overall lung health by adding fluids and improving damage to the lungs and bronchial tubes. This is effective in preventing and improving various respiratory diseases such as asthma and colds.

2. Improvement of diabetes

Consistently consuming Liriope muscari can help improve diabetes. This is thanks to the saponin content contained in Liriope muscari. This has the effect of improving blood sugar levels. So it is effective in lowering and controlling high blood sugar levels. It also helps promote the secretion of insulin. Therefore, Liriope muscari is effective in helping people with diabetes manage blood sugar and prevent diabetes.

3. Stomach health

Liriope muscari has been known in Oriental medicine since ancient times to help improve the stomach and reduce stomach fever. This helps relieve pain caused by inflammation in the stomach. This also helps improve or prevent pain in people suffering from chronic gastritis. Consuming Liriope muscari can also help with digestion. It is also effective in protecting the stomach by promoting the production of fluid in the stomach.

4. Nutrient tonic

Liriope muscari has been used as a nourishing and tonic herbal medicine in Oriental medicine since ancient times. So, consuming Liriope muscari can help prevent nervous breakdown or loss of energy. This is also effective in improving the constitution of people who suffer from frequent minor illnesses or those who are weak. And it helps you maintain good condition. It is also effective in replenishing energy and restoring vitality, making it an effective nutritional tonic.

3. Liriope muscariHow to make tea

4. Liriope muscari How to eat properly

5. Liriope muscari Side Effect

  • Liriope muscari has cold properties. So, if people with a cold body consume too much, they may experience symptoms such as diarrhea or abdominal pain.

  • If people with weak digestion consume too much Liriope muscari, it may have negative effects on the body.

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