Lutein benefits, side effects, and dosage - Nutrients that are good for your eyes

Lutein Nutrition

Lutein Benefits
Lutein (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionLutein
Main BenefitsImproves eye health and relieves arthritis
Side EffectsChildren, pregnant women, and smokers should consume with caution.

Lutein is one of the carotenoid components, a yellow pigment hormone. Lutein is an ingredient that cannot be synthesized in our body. Therefore, the only way to absorb lutein into our body is by absorbing it from the outside through food or nutritional supplements. Lutein is well known to be beneficial to eye health by accumulating in the retina and lens of the eye. Lutein is abundant in blueberries, tomatoes, salmon, and broccoli.

2. Lutein Benefits

lutein food

1. Eye Health

The most representative benefit of lutein is that it supports eye health. Lutein is evenly distributed on the outside of the macula, which is the part responsible for central vision. Lutein helps protect visual cells from strong light, such as ultraviolet rays from sunlight or screens. This has the effect of slowing down the aging process of the eye. Therefore, it is effective in preventing eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

2. Brain Health

Lutein plays an important role in not only eye health but also brain health. It supports brain health from infancy to old age. Lutein belongs to a group called carotenoids, which affect visual processing as well as other neural functions. Lutein also helps improve visual processing speed, which slows down with age. This is beneficial for brain health by increasing overall brain efficiency.

3. Skin Health

Lutein helps protect the skin from external factors such as strong light or blue light. In particular, blue light can cause skin aging when exposed for a long time, and lutein helps block this. Lutein also belongs to the carotenoid family, which helps increase antioxidants. And it is effective in brightening the overall skin tone by blocking the formation of melanin pathways.

4. Anti-inflammatory effect

Lutein may also help with anti-inflammatory effects. People suffering from persistent inflammation have been found to have low levels of lutein, and studies have shown that lutein, when consumed in moderation, affects blood cells involved in inflammation. It can also help reduce and suppress the inflammatory activity of immune cells, thereby providing an anti-inflammatory effect that suppresses inflammation.

3. Lutein How to take?

4. Lutein Side Effect

  • If you take too much synthetic lutein, which is made from lutein as a nutritional supplement, it may have a negative effect on eye health, so you must take it in appropriate amounts.

  • Smokers should be careful when consuming too much lutein, as the risk of developing lung cancer may increase due to the carotenoid.

  • Synthetic lutein may cause allergies in some people, especially children and pregnant women.

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