Magnesium benefits, side effects, deficiency - What foods are high in magnesium?

Magnesium Nutrition

Magnesium Benefits
Magnesium (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionMagnesium
Main BenefitsBenefits, side effects, deficiency - What foods are high in magnesium?
Side EffectsExcessive intake can cause breathing difficulties and headaches.

Magnesium can be defined as an element or as one of the minerals contained in our body. More than half of the magnesium in the body is in bones, and the rest is in cells. Magnesium is an essential ingredient for energy use and nerve maintenance, and if it is deficient, symptoms such as low blood pressure may occur. Magnesium is contained in a variety of foods, and can be supplemented by consuming these foods or through nutritional supplements.

2. Magnesium Benefits


1. Promotes bone health

Magnesium, along with calcium, is one of the essential elements for bone health. Magnesium strengthens vitamin D and is involved in bone formation by regulating its levels. Therefore, when magnesium is consumed appropriately, it helps improve bone density and prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis. In addition, by playing a role in keeping muscles healthy, it helps prevent fractures in elderly people who are relatively prone to fractures.

2. Improvement of diabetes and control of sugar levels

Magnesium helps stabilize diabetes levels by moving glucose from the blood into cells. People with diabetes have less magnesium in their blood compared to healthy people, so consuming magnesium helps improve diabetes. Additionally, if there is a deficiency or lack of magnesium in the body, insulin resistance may occur. Therefore, adequate intake of magnesium is effective in reducing insulin resistance and blood sugar levels.

3. Improvement of depressive symptoms

Magnesium helps improve mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. It helps improve mood regardless of whether medications such as antidepressants are used. This is because magnesium is one of the substances necessary for the production of a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which regulates mood. So, consuming adequate magnesium and supplementing your body with magnesium can help reduce symptoms of mood disorders such as depression.

4. Prevent kidney stones

Magnesium helps prevent side effects caused by excess calcium. If calcium accumulates in our body due to excessive intake, the risk of kidney tissue destruction or kidney stones increases. Magnesium prevents calcium from building up and helps prevent kidney stones from forming and preventing calcification. Additionally, when patients who already have kidney stones consume magnesium, it is effective in preventing recurrence.

5. Improvement of muscle pain

Magnesium helps muscles relax well and is an essential element in muscle contraction and relaxation. A lack of magnesium in the body can cause muscle pain. Adequate intake of magnesium is effective in improving muscle pain by relaxing muscle tension.니다. Magnesium also plays an important role in maintaining muscle cell membrane potential and helps strengthen muscles.

6. Immunity enhancement

Various foods containing magnesium are mainly foods that contain large amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C. Therefore, you can easily boost your immunity just by consuming magnesium.

3. Magnesium Symptoms of deficiency

4. Magnesium Side Effect

  • If you consume too much magnesium, side effects such as osmotic diarrhea (watery) may occur due to unabsorbed magnesium.

  • If you consume too much magnesium for a long period of time, side effects such as respiratory paralysis and impaired consciousness may occur, so you must consume only the appropriate amount.

  • There are medicines, such as antibiotics or zinc supplements, that may reduce their efficacy when taken together with magnesium, so they must be checked and taken at appropriate time intervals.

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