Manila clam benefits, season, storage method, removal method

Manila clam Nutrition

Manila clam Benefits
Manila clam (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionTaurine, iron, magnesium
Main BenefitsRelieve fatigue, enhance energy, supplement magnesium
Side EffectsExcessive consumption can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. Be careful of food poisoning when consuming clams in summer.

Manila clam is a type of clam that lives in the sea and is smaller than regular clams. They mainly live in shallow seas and are distributed in mud flats and places where sand and mud are mixed. Manila clam also plays a role in purifying various types of pollution flowing into the tidal flats. Since they tend to live in one place, they are easy to farm. It is low in calories and also low in fat. It has a refreshing taste, so it is mainly eaten in stews or soups, but it can also be eaten stir-fried or steamed.

Manila clam benefits

Manila clam benefits

1. Liver health

Manila clam contains taurine, which helps liver cells activate and promotes bile secretion to improve liver function. It also helps remove toxins from the liver, thereby improving liver health. It also relieves liver fatigue and helps relieve hangovers by discharging and detoxifying the fatigue accumulated in the liver due to alcohol.

2. Prevention Of Anemia

Manila clam is rich in iron and copper. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, and when iron is lacking in the body, hemoglobin concentration decreases, causing anemia. Because Manila clam is rich in iron, it is effective in preventing anemia. Copper also helps iron be better absorbed into the body. It also contains vitamin B12, which also helps prevent anemia.

3. Weight management

Manila clam is low in calories and low in fat, which helps with weight management. And since it contains various nutrients, it helps supplement nutrients that may be lacking when managing weight.

4. Build muscle

Manila clam is rich in methionine and protein. Methionine is an ingredient that must be supplemented because it promotes protein synthesis and deficiency can cause obesity. And protein is an essential ingredient in muscle building and helps build muscle.

5. Men’s Health

Manila clam is rich in zinc. Zinc is an ingredient that helps increase male stamina. When there is a lack of zinc in the body, reproductive ability decreases, but consuming Manila clam helps maintain sufficient zinc concentration. Additionally, zinc is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones and is an important ingredient in the production of healthy sperm in men. This helps prevent male diseases such as prostatitis and improve male reproductive health.

6. Magnesium supplementation

Manila clam is rich in magnesium. Magnesium is an ingredient that helps maintain the muscles and nerves of our body normally. If our body lacks magnesium, the area under the eyes may tremble and muscle spasms may occur. Consuming Manila clam supplements magnesium and helps prevent symptoms caused by magnesium deficiency in the body. It also helps to restore the body’s condition by relaxing the muscles so that they do not become tense.

Reduction method

  1. First, wash the Manila clam 2-3 times.
  2. Dissolve coarse salt in clean water and add washed Manila clam.
  3. Cover with a black bag and place in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 hours.

Side Effect

  1. You should avoid eating Manila clam during the summer because it may contain toxins that may cause side effects.
  2. Manila clam has a cold nature. Therefore, people who are normally cold should be careful as side effects such as diarrhea may occur if they consume too much.


🔹LIVESTRONG: 5 Things You Need to Know About the Health Benefits of Clams
🔹Nutrition Advance: 7 Benefits of Clams (and Full Nutrition Facts)

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