Manuka Honey Benefits, Calories, Takes - Good for Insomnia

Manuka Honey Nutrition

Manuka Honey Benefits
Manuka Honey (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin B, Vitamin C
Main BenefitsImprove sleep quality and promote oral health
Side EffectsIt is high in sugar, so be careful when consuming it if you have diabetes.

Manuka honey is a rich honey native to New Zealand and produced by bees that pollinate the flowers of the manuka bush. Manuka honey contains active compounds that give it natural antibacterial properties, which sets it apart from other honeys. Manuka honey contains amino acids, which are basically protein building blocks that contribute to growth and function, B vitamins that help release energy from food, calcium that strengthens bones and teeth, iron that helps produce healthy red blood cells, and potassium that helps. Included.

2. Manuka Honey Benefits

Manuka Honey

1. Oral health

To prevent cavities and keep your gums healthy, it is important to minimize bad oral bacteria that can cause plaque buildup. It’s also important not to completely kill off the good oral bacteria that keep your mouth healthy. Manuka honey attacks harmful oral bacteria associated with plaque formation, gum inflammation, and cavities. Additionally, unlike refined sugar, Manuka honey’s powerful antibacterial effect does not contribute to the development of cavities.

2. Gastrointestinal health

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common digestive disorder. Associated symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and irregular bowel movements. Consuming Manuka honey regularly may help reduce these symptoms. Manuka honey has been shown to improve antioxidant status and reduce inflammation in irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease.

3. Strengthening the immune system

Manuka honey has numerous medicinal properties that help treat sore throats naturally. It is an antioxidant and helps fight bacteria and also helps fight infections caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi. Manuka honey contains antioxidants, so consuming it daily can help boost your immunity in the long run, which is why it’s known as one of the best immunity-boosting foods.

4. Improved sleep

Manuka honey acts as a natural sleep aid and may help promote deep, restful sleep. During sleep, you slowly release glycogen needed for essential body functions. Adding honey to milk at bedtime helps your body release melatonin to your brain, which is needed for deep sleep. There are many health disorders associated with sleep deprivation, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and arthritis. Manuka honey has been proven to help with quality sleep, so it could potentially help reduce the risk of these and many other health problems.

3. Manuka Honey How to eat and choose

4. Manuka Honey Side Effect

  • Excessive consumption of Manuka honey may cause symptoms such as abdominal distension and heartburn.

  • Manuka honey has slightly more calories than regular honey, and the sugar content per calorie is also high, so people with chronic diseases such as diabetes should be careful when consuming it.

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