Mung bean sprouts benefits, blanching, storage, calories

Mung bean sprouts Nutrition

Mung bean sprouts Benefits
Mung bean sprouts (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin A, dietary fiber, iron
Main BenefitsPrevents anemia, relieves skin problems, and promotes digestive health
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause diarrhea and abdominal pain

Mung bean sprouts are called Bean sprouts. If you place mung beans in a separate bowl and water them, mung bean sprouts will grow. So it retains the nutrients of mung beans. Mung bean sprouts have a similar appearance to bean sprouts and are characterized by a crunchy texture. It is rich in moisture and dietary fiber, so it is low in calories. You can eat it by lightly boiling it and seasoning it with seasonings, or adding it to soup or stir-fry. If it is not cooked, it has a unique fishy smell, but in countries such as China and Japan, people prefer to eat it almost uncooked.

Mung bean sprouts benefits

Mung bean sprouts benefits

1. Eye Health

Consuming mung bean sprouts helps with eye health. Mung bean sprouts are rich in vitamin A, which is beneficial for eye health. Vitamin A helps relieve eye fatigue caused by irritation. It is also effective in improving eye health as it helps with vision adaptation at night or in dark places and improves vision. It also helps prevent and improve eye diseases such as dry eye.

2. Gastrointestinal health

Mung bean sprouts help prevent diarrhea and improve constipation. This is thanks to the abundant dietary fiber contained in mung bean sprouts. This ingredient helps cleanse the colonic system and helps nutrients be better absorbed. Additionally, mung bean sprouts contain an ingredient called amylase, which is a digestive enzyme that helps promote good digestion. In addition, it helps strengthen gastrointestinal function, making it effective for people with weak stomachs.

3. Skin health

Consuming mung bean sprouts also helps with skin health. Mung bean sprouts contain a component called flavonoid, which has the function of removing free radicals and preventing cell aging. And the vitamin B contained in mung bean sprouts supplies moisture to the skin and speeds up cell regeneration. This also helps prevent skin diseases such as acne. Mung bean sprouts are effective in improving skin health by inhibiting the appearance of wrinkles and detoxifying the body.

4. Prevention And Improvement Of Anemia

Mung bean sprouts also help prevent and improve anemia. Mung bean sprouts are rich in iron, which is effective in preventing and alleviating anemia. Additionally, if you consume mung bean sprouts consistently, the carotene content in mung bean sprouts helps strengthen hematopoiesis, which produces blood. It also helps produce red blood cells and improves anemia. In addition, vitamin B6 contained in mung bean sprouts also helps prevent anemia.

5. Hangover Relief And Detoxification Function

Consuming mung bean sprouts has detoxifying properties and helps relieve hangovers. This is thanks to an ingredient called aspartic acid contained in mung bean sprouts. This ingredient helps relieve hangovers by helping to restore the liver that has become fatigued due to alcohol. Additionally, mung bean sprouts contain vitamin B6, which has detoxifying properties and helps expel various toxins and waste products accumulated in the body.

How to blanch

  1. Place cleanly washed mung bean sprouts in a pan and add 150ml of water.
  2. Close the lid of the pan and boil for 2 minutes when the water boils.
  3. Spread the boiled mung bean sprouts on a tray to cool before using them in cooking.

Storage Method

Add water and store in an airtight container. It can usually be stored for about 3 days, and if you change the water frequently, it can be stored for up to a week. The appropriate temperature for storing mung bean sprouts is 1 to 5 degrees.

Side Effects

  1. Mung bean sprouts have cold properties. Therefore, if you consume too much, you may experience symptoms such as abdominal pain or diarrhea.
  2. If you consume mung bean sprouts while taking herbal medicine, the effectiveness of the medicine may decrease as it may calm down the effect of the medicine.


💠Healthline: Mung bean sprouts 10 Impressive Health Benefits
💠Nutritionix: Calories in Mung bean sprouts

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