Bomdong Benefits, Season, Care, Storage method

Bomdong Nutrition

Bomdong Benefits
Bomdong (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionDietary fiber, vitamin C
Main BenefitsPromotes intestinal health, skin health, and strengthens immunity
Side EffectsIndigestion when excessive intake

Bomdong is a spread-shaped cabbage. Unlike regular cabbage, it is not in the shape of a bulb but is spread out in an open shape. This is because your stomach is not full. Bomdong is a good Bomdong with leaves that become yellow as they get deeper. This vegetable is the first sign of spring and helps whet your appetite. Although it is tender, it is thicker and sweeter than cabbage, and its crunchy texture is attractive. Bomdong is made with cuttlefish or raw vegetables and eaten as a side dish, or added to soup or used as a wrap vegetable.

Bomdong Benefits

1. Blood vessel Health

Bomdong contains ingredients that help maintain blood vessel health. Among the ingredients contained in Bomdong, beta-carotene is an antioxidant. This ingredient is effective in removing various free radicals through antioxidant action once they enter the body. This lowers harmful cholesterol levels in the blood and helps remove waste products from the blood. And Bomdong also contains potassium. Potassium has the effect of lowering sodium levels. This prevents vascular calcification and helps maintain healthy blood vessels.

2. Organs Health

Bomdong is rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is known to be helpful for intestinal health. This makes bowel movements more active in the intestines and makes bowel movements smoother. Dietary fiber is also effective in cleansing the intestinal environment by expelling waste products accumulated in the intestines. This allows stool accumulated in the intestines to be easily expelled and is also effective in preventing and improving diseases such as constipation.

3. Increase Immunity

Consuming Bomdong in spring can help boost immunity. This is because Bomdong is rich in various vitamins and essential amino acids. Bomdong in particular contains vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. Therefore, it is effective in improving the body’s immunity by removing free radicals that cause various diseases. Through this, it protects the body from various bacteria and viruses invading from the outside and helps prevent various diseases.

4. Skin Health

Consuming Bomdong may also benefit skin health. This is thanks to the beta-carotene and vitamin C contained in Bomdong. First, beta-carotene removes free radicals through its antioxidant action. This helps prevent skin aging and is effective in improving symptoms such as skin wrinkles. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant. This brightens the skin, helps with whitening, and is also effective in removing freckles and blemishes.

5. Eye Health

Beta-carotene contained in Bomdong has various benefits, one of which is eye health. Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A and is converted to vitamin A when it enters the body. This converted vitamin A helps resynthesize rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is responsible for detecting red color in the retina and is essential for the eyes. It is also effective in improving overall eye health and helps relieve eye fatigue.

6. Diet

Consuming Bomdong is a good choice when dieting. Bomdong is very low in calories. So there is no burden to consume it when dieting. Bomdong is also rich in dietary fiber. This helps prevent constipation, which can easily occur when dieting. And when dietary fiber enters the body, its volume increases. This helps you feel fuller for a long time. It is also a good vegetable as a diet food as it helps prevent the absorption of carbohydrates.

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Bomdong Side Effect

  1. Bomdong has cold properties. Therefore, if people who are cold or have weak digestive systems consume excessive amounts, it may have a negative effect on their bodies.
  2. If consumed raw in excess, indigestion may occur.

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