Saury benefits, side effects - Saury kimchi stew golden recipe!

Pacific saury Nutrition

Pacific saury Benefits
Pacific saury (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionProtein, Vitamin D, Omega 3
Main BenefitsCardiovascular health, improved immunity, prevention of dementia, increased muscle mass
Side EffectsIf you suffer from gout, be careful when consuming it. Excessive consumption increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Saury refers to a fish belonging to the saury family. It has a long and thin body, with a dark blue back and a silver belly. They live in groups and move around. It is in season in the fall, from October to November, and has a savory and light taste. It is a popular fish because it is rich in nutrients, good for health, and cheap. It can be eaten roasted whole, or stewed or added to soup. In Korea, saury is repeatedly frozen, thawed, dried, and eaten under the name of gwamegi.

2. Pacific saury Benefits

Grilled saury

1. Cardiovascular Health

Saury is rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. This ingredient helps purify the blood and improve blood flow. So, this effect prevents harmful cholesterol from accumulating in the blood vessels. In addition, unsaturated fatty acids are effective in strengthening blood vessels by making them more elastic. This can help prevent and improve various cardiovascular diseases.

2. Bone Health

Consuming saury can also help with bone health. Saury contains calcium and phosphorus, both of which are very important nutrients for bone health. First, calcium is effective in strengthening bones and strengthening bone density. This helps prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Additionally, phosphorus is an important nutrient along with calcium in constructing the skeleton. It helps not only your bones but also your teeth health.

3. Brain Health

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are abundant in saury, also help with brain health. This ingredient is effective for brain health by helping to activate brain function and brain cells. It also helps improve learning ability because it is involved in the development of brain nerves and helps with memory and cognitive ability. This prevents brain cells from aging and helps prevent diseases such as dementia caused by brain cell aging.

4. Skin Health

Eating saury also helps with skin health. The omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids contained in saury are also beneficial to the skin. This ingredient keeps the skin moist and helps maintain elasticity. Additionally, saury contains a component called nucleic acid. This ingredient has antioxidant properties, so consuming saury can help relieve and improve skin diseases such as acne.

5. Enhancement of immunity

Saury contains various nutrients, which help boost immunity. This is because the vitamin A and folic acid contained in saury are effective in improving immunity. In addition, saury contains vitamin D, which helps strengthen immunity. Therefore, consuming saury helps improve our immune system by promoting our body’s metabolism and improving blood circulation.

6. Diet

Additionally, this fish is lower in calories than you might think, making it useful when dieting. It is also rich in various nutrients, so it can firmly replenish the nutrients in the body that may be lacking during dieting.

7. Increased muscle mass

Saury is a high-protein food. Therefore, it can aid muscle recovery and have a positive effect on muscle synthesis. If you combine a high-protein diet with exercise, your muscle mass will naturally increase and it will help you recover from injured muscles at a faster rate, helping you build a beautiful body.

3. Pacific saury How to make kimchi stew

4. Pacific saury Side Effect

  • The purine contained in saury can increase uric acid levels in the body and worsen gout symptoms.

  • Excessive consumption of saury over a long period of time may increase the risk of developing diabetes.

  • With its high histamine content, saury may cause allergic symptoms in some people.

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