Perilla seeds benefits, calories - Food good for immunity

Perilla seeds Nutrition

Perilla seeds Benefits
Perilla seeds (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionDietary fiber, calcium
Main BenefitsImproves immunity, prevents hair loss, and improves blood vessel health
Side EffectsIncrease in weight when overdose

It is a plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It is native to eastern Asia, grows well in cool climates, and is found in the wild in lowlands. White flowers bloom from August to September, and the leaves look very similar to perilla leaves. The leaves have the characteristic of being slightly purple on the back. It has a unique, nutty and unique scent, so it is also used as a spice. Perilla seeds can be finely ground and consumed as perilla powder, and the oil can also be squeezed out for use. In addition to being edible, it is also used as a raw material for soap and paint.

2. Perilla seeds Benefits

Perilla seeds

1. Blood vessel Health

Consuming perilla seeds can help maintain blood vessel health. Perilla seeds contain an essential fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. This ingredient helps prevent the formation of blood clots and has the function of preventing platelet coagulation. This helps smooth blood circulation. It is also effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels and helps prevent aging of blood vessels. Therefore, it is effective in preventing various vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

2. Skin Health

Perilla seeds contain a component called gamma-tocopherol. It has the function of removing free radicals and can help prevent skin aging. It also has the function of preventing dry and rough skin, making it effective in creating elastic skin. And perilla seeds also contain vitamin C. This ingredient is effective in creating clean skin, and especially helps solve skin problems such as blemishes and freckles.

3. Increase Immunity

Perilla seeds contain various ingredients such as rosmarinic acid, luteolin, and vitamin E. They have excellent antioxidant properties and are also effective in antiviral action to prevent viruses. This helps prevent diseases caused by free radicals or various viruses. In addition, perilla seeds are effective in activating metabolism and improving blood circulation. These benefits help improve overall immunity.

4. Bone Health

Perilla seeds are high in calcium, so they can help with bone health. Calcium is an essential ingredient for maintaining the health of not only bones but also teeth. So, when you consume perilla seeds, you can maintain your health by replenishing calcium in your body and strengthening your bones and teeth. Additionally, in women, calcium levels in the body drop after menopause, making it easier for osteoporosis to occur. However, consuming calcium on a daily basis is also effective in preventing osteoporosis.

5. Prevent hair loss

If your body lacks essential fatty acids, problems such as scalp sensitivity and inflammation may occur. At this time, ingredients such as omega-3 fatty acids contained in perilla seeds can help. This helps improve blood circulation in the scalp and ensures smooth supply of nutrients to the hair roots. And hair loss can be caused by blood circulation disorders, and perilla seeds help prevent hair loss. And perilla seeds are effective not only in hair loss but also in improving overall scalp health.

6. Gut health

Perilla seeds are rich in insoluble dietary fiber and are effective for intestinal health. This helps activate intestinal motility and helps expel waste and stool from the intestines. At this time, it softens the hardened stool and is effective in excreting stool, so it is also effective in improving constipation in people suffering from constipation. And by cleaning the inside of the intestines like this, it can help clean the intestines and improve overall intestinal health.

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4. Perilla seeds Side Effect

  • Perilla seeds are high in fat. Therefore, excessive consumption may cause weight gain.

  • Excessive consumption of perilla seeds may cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea or heartburn.

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