Persimmon benefits, calories, storage, side effects - Fall seasonal fruit

Persimmon Nutrition

Persimmon Benefits
Persimmon (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Flavonoids
Main BenefitsBoosts immunity, improves memory, prevents heart disease
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause constipation and abdominal distension.

Persimmon is an orange fruit known for its sweet, honey-like taste. The fruit is harvested in late fall and sometimes stays on the tree until winter. You can find it in many markets when it’s in season, and it’s delicious on its own or in cooked dishes and baked goods. Persimmons are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, each of which offers important health benefits.

2. Persimmon Benefits


1. Prevent heart disease

Heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide and negatively impacts the lives of millions of people. Fortunately, most heart disease can be prevented by reducing risk factors, such as an unhealthy diet. The powerful combination of nutrients found in persimmons makes them an excellent choice for promoting heart health. Persimmons contain flavonoid antioxidants, including quercetin and kaempferol. Eating a diet high in flavonoids has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease in several studies. It also benefits heart health by lowering blood pressure, lowering inflammation, and lowering cholesterol levels.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect

Conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and obesity are all associated with chronic inflammation. Fortunately, choosing foods high in anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation and lower your risk of disease. Persimmons are an excellent source of the powerful antioxidant vitamin C. Vitamin C protects cells from damage by free radicals and fights inflammation in the body. Persimmons also contain carotenoids, flavonoids, and vitamin E, all powerful antioxidants that fight inflammation in the body.

3. Increase Immunity

Persimmon is a bundle of vitamins containing various vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Large doses of vitamins can balance the body and boost the body’s immunity.

4. Fatigue recovery

The large amount of sugar contained in persimmons relieves stress in the body. It can have anti-depressant properties and help our body recover from fatigue. Vitamins can also revitalize your body.

5. Eye Health

Closed eyes provide plenty of vitamin A and antioxidants, which are important for eye health. Vitamin A supports the function of the conjunctiva and cornea. It is also an essential component of rhodopsin, a protein required for normal vision. Persimmons also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoid antioxidants that promote healthy vision. A diet rich in lutein and zeaxanthin may reduce the risk of certain eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration, a disease that affects the retina and can cause vision loss.

6. Improves brain function

Persimmons contain a natural compound called fisetin, an antioxidant that has several benefits for the brain. Fisetin improves long-term memory, prevents nerve cell dysfunction, and protects against age-related cognitive decline. Fisetin has also been reported to reduce brain damage caused by ischemic stroke. And by increasing serotonin levels, fisetin provides antidepressant effects.

3. Persimmon Storage

4. Persimmon How to Peel Fruit

5. Persimmon Side Effect

  • Persimmons contain tannin, which can cause constipation or worsen constipation symptoms if consumed in excess.

  • Persimmons have a cold nature, so if a person with a cold body consumes too much, they may experience symptoms such as abdominal distension, indigestion, and abdominal pain.

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