Pine nut benefits, calories, storage, daily intake

Pine nuts Nutrition

Pine nuts Benefits
Pine nuts (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionProtein, Omega 3, Vitamin E, K
Main BenefitsPrevention of cardiovascular disease, dementia, and diabetes relief
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and indigestion.

Pine nuts are edible seeds contained within pine pine pine pine trees. It has a slight yellow color and is soft and has a good texture. The taste is savory yet light, and it contains carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. It can be consumed in a variety of ways, including eating it raw, grilled, or as a garnish for food.

Pine Nut Benefits

Pine Nut Benefits

1. Heart Health

Pine nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. This helps lower blood pressure and lower the level of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. In addition, it helps increase HDL and good cholesterol levels. And the omega-3 fatty acids in pine nuts help prevent arrhythmia and reduce blood clotting. Additionally, vitamins E, K, and magnesium contained in pine nuts are effective in preventing cardiovascular disease.

2. Improve memory and prevent dementia

Pine nuts contain an ingredient called lecithin, which affects brain cells and helps with brain development. And omega-3 fatty acids also help build and repair brain cells. It is also rich in minerals needed to store and transport oxygen. Nutrients such as magnesium in pine nuts help treat mental problems such as anxiety, depression and stress and reduce the risk of dementia.

3. Prevents and helps with diabetes

Pine nuts help keep blood sugar levels stable thanks to their rich balance of fat, fiber and protein. Additionally, the magnesium and unsaturated fatty acids in pine nuts are effective in improving insulin sensitivity and reducing blood sugar in diabetic patients. Additionally, the magnesium in pine nuts has the function of lowering the risk of developing diabetes in non-diabetic people.

4. Improvement of immunity

Vitamins E and K, which are not easily consumed, can greatly improve your immunity. In particular, vitamin E helps excrete various waste products from the body and has effects such as preventing skin dryness and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels.

5. Muscle growth

Arginine, protein, and unsaturated fatty acids contained in many nuts can help muscles grow sufficiently. It also helps you recover from fatigue by helping break down lactic acid, the main cause of fatigue.

Storage Method

  1. How to store pine nuts can be divided into unpeeled and peeled. If you haven’t peeled the skin, store it in a cool place away from direct sunlight. If it doesn’t have the skin, store it in an airtight container and refrigerate it.

Side Effect

  1. Pine nuts are a somewhat high-calorie food with 665 kcal per 100g, so consuming too much can lead to weight gain and obesity.
  2. The recommended daily intake of pine nuts is around 20. Excessive intake beyond this may cause side effects such as diarrhea, indigestion, and abdominal pain.
  3. People with nut allergies may also have an allergic reaction to pine nuts. Allergic reactions usually cause symptoms such as itching and hives.


💠Nutrition and YOU: Pine nuts Nutrition facts
💠MindBodyGreen: Pine Nuts: Benefits, Nutrition & How To Eat More Of Them

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