Plantago asiatica Benefits, How to use, How to eat, Side effects

Plantago asiatica Nutrition

Plantago asiatica Benefits
Plantago asiatica (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin A, dietary fiber
Main BenefitsEliminates inflammation, promotes women's health, and excretes waste products.
Side EffectsRecommended to consume in small amounts if you are normally cold, may cause diarrhea

Plantago asiatica is a plant belonging to the Plantago asiatica family. It grows well anywhere, including in the grass or along the road. And, It is also a plant that rabbits like to eat. It has white flowers and blooms in summer from June to August. Young leaves are mainly used for food, and can also be dried and brewed into tea or eaten as a vegetable. Plantago asiatica has various effects and has been frequently used as a medicinal herb in oriental medicine since ancient times.

Plantago asiatica Benefits

1. Women’s Health

Plantago asiatica has been used as a medicine since ancient times to help eliminate inflammation. Among them, it is effective in improving and alleviating vaginitis in women. It also strengthens the uterus and helps improve symptoms in menopausal women. When menopause approaches, various symptoms such as facial flushing and insomnia appear. At this time, consuming Plantago asiatica helps relieve symptoms by promoting the secretion of estrogen, a female hormone.

2. Diuretic effect

Consuming Plantago asiatica can help prevent various diseases by helping with diuretic effects. Plantago asiatica improves urine output by treating symptoms of poor urination. This is effective in improving diseases such as cystitis and urethritis. It also has an active diuretic effect, helping to expel waste and toxins from the body. Additionally, unlike artificial diuretic drugs, Plantago asiatica does not excrete potassium, preventing hypokalemia.

3. Liver Health

Plantago asiatica also helps liver health by strengthening the liver. When Plantago asiatica is consumed, liver cells are activated and waste products and toxins are excreted from the liver. It is also effective in improving liver health by relieving liver fatigue caused by drinking and detoxifying the liver. Poor liver health can also cause symptoms such as jaundice. However, consuming Plantago asiatica can help treat jaundice.

4. Eye Health

Plantago asiatica contains various nutrients, one of which is vitamin A. Vitamin A helps relieve eye fatigue. It also has the function of protecting the cornea, helping to improve eye redness. It is also effective in protecting your eyesight by preventing vision loss. These effects help prevent various eye diseases such as conjunctivitis and cataracts.

5. Diet

These effects help prevent various eye diseases such as conjunctivitis and cataracts. The dietary fiber contained in Plantago asiatica helps prevent and improve constipation that often occurs when dieting. Additionally, dietary fiber helps with diet by expelling waste accumulated in the intestines. And Plantago asiatica contains a component called tannin. This helps burn fat in the body, preventing obesity and helping with diet.

Plantago asiatica How to make?

Plantago asiatica Side Effect

  1. People with weak digestive function may experience symptoms such as diarrhea if they consume too much Plantago asiatica.

  2. It has cold properties. So, if people with a cold body consume too much, it can have a negative effect on their body.

  3. Plantago asiatica may increase uterine tone, so pregnant women should refrain from consuming it.

Plantago asiatica FAQ

How should I eat Plantago asiatica?

It can mainly be eaten by lightly blanching it in salt water. Eat it as a vegetable or lightly stir-fried. Also, if you make it with Plantago asiatica kimchi, you will get a very fragrant kimchi.

How can I eat Plantago asiatica root?

The roots can be lightly boiled, steeped in water, and consumed as Plantago asiatica tea. Because it has a diuretic effect, it is better to drink it three times a day rather than eating too much.

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