Prune Benefits, Side effects, How to eat

Prune Nutrition

Prune Benefits
Prune (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionAnthocyanin, Vitamins A, B, K
Main BenefitsConstipation, mitigation, ease, heart health promotion
Side EffectsExcessive intake causes abdominal pain and diarrhea

Prunes refers to dried plums. In general, it is known to be reddish and good for constipation. It is good to eat as a nutritious snack. It is mainly eaten with prune juice, which can be the best effect when eating in the evening. Too much intake can cause side effects such as diarrhea, so you need to eat a small amount.

Prune Benefits

1. Anticancer Effect

Blueberry contains rich antioxidants. Prunes has several times more antioxidants than this. Powerful antioxidants destroy cancer cells and prevent normal cell damage.

2. Relief of constipation

Prunes is rich in dietary fiber. This can soften the stools and promote intestinal activities. Eating on an empty stomach every morning is effective in relieving constipation.

3. Magnesium supply

Most modern people do not eat enough magnesium. So you feel the trembling, insomnia, and tiredness of magnesium deficiency.

Prunes contains magnesium richer than other fruits. If you eat only two a day, you will be able to resolve the deficiency you usually feel.

4. Vision health

Prunes has vitamin A ingredients good for vision health. It prevents night blindness, improves vision and maintains a healthy state.

5. High blood pressure relief

Prunes contains a high level of potassium. Potassium can adjust the sodium levels in the body to normal and make blood pressure in normal levels. If you usually have high blood pressure, you can take 2-3 prunes a day to manage your blood pressure.

6. Elder depression relief

Vitamin B contained in prunes can relieve depressed mood. As many studies are known, vitamin B can activate brain function and turn into a pleasant mood.

7. Improvement of immunity

High vitamin content keeps the immune system healthy. There are various vitamins such as vitamins A, B, and K in the Prunes, and all are ingredients that can strengthen the immune system. This allows you to relieve colds or rhinitis and improve inflammation in your body.

8. Heart health

In general, plums have enough pectin. This ingredient is a source of health that keeps the heart healthy and can prevent acute cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and arteriosclerosis.

📃 Will keep heart healthy, if eat prunes juice every day?

9. Bone health

One study shows that eating five dried plums every day prevent bone loss. These effects can prevent osteoporosis and make bones stronger.

These effects are known to supply vitamin K and calcium that are associated with bone density. More research results are required, but it is clear that it has a positive effect on bone health.

10. Skin health

Sufficient vitamins and antioxidants are good for skin health. You can prevent skin aging or improve wrinkles. You can also relieve swelling to maintain healthy skin.

PruneJuice diet method

Prune Side Effect

  1. Excessive intake of prunes can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

  2. Because there are many sugars, it causes diabetes when consumed. If you have diabetes, eat a small amount.

  3. There is a lack of research related to children. Children recommend Prunes juice intake.

Prune FAQ

Can Prunes eat pregnant women?

Yes. You don’t have to take over. In addition, it is recommended to check after checking the vitamin nutrients for pregnant women so that the vitamin components are not excessive.

When should eat Prunes?

It is usually recommended to eat on an empty stomach. Especially after drinking juice, you need to eat enough moisture together.

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