Benefits, Side effects, How to eat, Foods high in dietary fiber

Psyllium husk Nutrition

Psyllium husk Benefits
Psyllium husk (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin A, Vitamin B, dietary fiber
Main BenefitsRelieves chronic constipation, relieves irritable bowel syndrome, and prevents cardiovascular disease.
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause abdominal distension and abdominal pain.

Psyllium husk refers to the seed coat of a plant called plantain. It is rich in fiber and has the effect of preventing cardiovascular disease and relieving constipation. Soaking it in water can be a great help in weight control along with a high sense of satiety.

2. Psyllium husk Benefits

Psyllium husk powder

1. Relieve constipation

If stool does not pass smoothly, it is recommended to eat a high-fiber diet. Psyllium husk contains high dietary fiber, which is very effective in resolving constipation.

2. Relieves irritable bowel syndrome

If you have bowel problems or frequent diarrhea, you need to suspect irritable bowel syndrome. Regular intake of psyllium husk can alleviate this and relax the colon.

3. Improvement of blood sugar levels

Studies have shown that consuming psyllium husk before meals can improve blood sugar levels. If you are on a regular diabetic diet, you can see good effects in relieving diabetes by consuming it before the diet.

4. Reduces heart disease risk

A high-fiber diet may also lower your risk of heart disease. It can improve blood circulation and prevent heart disease by lowering the level of LDL cholesterol, called bad cholesterol.

5. Diet

A high-fiber diet can help you feel fuller with fewer calories. This can help prevent overeating and help with weight control.

6. Improves vision health

The high amounts of vitamin A contained in psyllium husk can be very helpful in promoting vision health. It can also prevent eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.

7. Relieve skin troubles

It can also improve skin problems through its anti-inflammatory effect. Additionally, it contains antioxidant ingredients to prevent skin aging and increase skin elasticity.

8. Immunity enhancement

A pleasant intestinal environment can be of great help in boosting immunity. The high content of dietary fiber keeps the intestines comfortable and helps the growth of lactic acid bacteria. It can produce a good synergy effect when taken with lactic acid bacteria.

9. Hair health

High levels of carbohydrates and proteins are beneficial for hair health. Psyllium husk has the effect of strengthening hair roots and preventing hair loss.

3. Psyllium husk How to make?

4. Psyllium husk Side Effect

  • It is recommended to consume an average of 5-20g per day. Excessive intake may cause side effects.

  • Because the volume increases quickly, powdered products are recommended to be consumed quickly after mixing with water.

  • Excessive intake may cause side effects such as abdominal distension, abdominal pain, and nausea.

  • There is a paucity of research in young children and pregnant women. Consuming small amounts is recommended.

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