6 types of rockfish benefits, season, calories, side effects

Rockfish Nutrition

Rockfish Benefits
Rockfish (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionTaurine, vitamin B, calcium,
Main BenefitsRelieves fatigue, improves liver health, prevents dementia,
Side EffectsMay cause fish allergy depending on body type

Rockfish is a fish that mainly lives in reef areas under the sea. And The body is dark brown, but the belly is gray. The size is about 40cm, and their diet is zooplankton, but when they become adults, they become omnivorous. It has a habit of moving south in winter, and tends to move during the day rather than at night. It has less of a fishy smell and a chewy texture, so it is usually eaten as raw fish, but it can also be eaten in stew or grilled.

Rockfish benefits

1. Brain Health

Rockfish is a saltwater fish that is high in selenium. Selenium helps power the brain to function well. Additionally, rockfish skin is rich in protein and contains various nutrients such as sulfur-containing amino acids and vitamin B. These ingredients help calm the brain by calming the brain’s nerves. It can also help relieve stress by helping with the synthesis and secretion of neurotransmitters.

2. Liver Health

Rockfish is known to help improve liver function. Rockfish contains sulfur-containing amino acids. One of them is methionine, which helps promote liver function by improving the overall health of the liver. Additionally, rockfish is rich in an ingredient called taurine. Taurine has the function of preventing liver function decline. In addition, it helps with the regeneration and activation of liver cells and helps to excrete neutral fat accumulated in the liver, thereby preventing fatty liver disease.

3. Cardiovascular Health

Consuming rockfish may benefit cardiovascular health. This is because the taurine contained in rockfish helps. Taurine has the function of suppressing the production of harmful cholesterol in the blood vessels. This prevents cholesterol from clogging blood vessels. It also helps prevent various cardiovascular diseases by increasing the amount of beneficial cholesterol that helps blood vessels. In addition, consuming rockfish helps improve cardiovascular health by improving blood flow and stabilizing blood pressure.

4. Bone Health

Rockfish is rich in calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is a component of bone and helps improve bone density and prevent bone loss. Therefore, consuming rockfish is effective in preventing bone diseases such as osteoporosis. The phosphorus contained in rockfish may help people suffering from osteoporosis. Rockfish also contains vitamin D, which helps the body better absorb calcium, which is beneficial to bone health.

5. Eye Health

Rockfish may benefit overall eye health. This is because rockfish is rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A helps produce rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is important in the eyes because it plays a role in detecting light. It also helps with eye health because it relieves eye fatigue and helps maintain vision. This is effective in preventing and improving eye diseases such as night blindness.

6. Fatigue recovery and stability

Rockfish helps relieve fatigue and lower stress. Rockfish is rich in vitamin B. This helps relieve fatigue accumulated in our body by helping to produce cells. And rockfish contains various minerals and amino acids. These ingredients activate metabolism and improve blood circulation, helping to relieve fatigue. Additionally, rockfish shell has the function of stabilizing and calming the mind and body, which can help reduce stress.


Rockfish is a winter fish that is in season from November to March. Except when the flesh is at its chewiest, it can be consumed as farmed rockfish.

Side Effect

  1. Rockfish has thorns on its dorsal fin, and these thorns are poisonous, so if you get stabbed, the pierced area may swell and cause pain.
  2. People who are allergic to fish may experience allergic symptoms if they consume rockfish.


🔹Facty Health: 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Rockfish
🔹Facts.net: 20 Rockfish Nutrition Facts

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