Vitamin bomb! Benefits, Side effects of rosehip - How to consume the powder

Rosehip Nutrition

Rosehip Benefits
Rosehip (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin A, Vitamin C, polyphenols, beta-carotene
Main BenefitsElimination of body waste, improvement of immunity, anti-cancer effect, prevention of arthritis
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause abdominal distension and abdominal pain.

Rosehip is a rose fruit that grows in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is mainly made into fragrant fruit juice, powder, or puree. It has a variety of benefits, including increasing bone density and helping with diuresis to expel waste from the body.

2. Rosehip Benefits

Rosehip Puree Juice

1. Anticancer

Some studies have shown that rosehip extract (powder, puree) reduces breast and stomach cancer cells. Another Spanish study found that it can prevent colon cancer. This is thanks to antioxidant ingredients such as beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, and polyphenol, which are known to have particularly good effects in preventing cancer.

2. Enhancement of immunity

It contains 60 times more vitamin C than that found in lemons and oranges. This ingredient has the effect of improving the body’s immunity and maintaining good body balance.

3. Expulsion of toxins

Rosehip has a diuretic effect and can reduce unnecessary waste through the excretion of toxins from the body. This can help reduce body swelling and help with diet.

4. Reduce cholesterol

Studies have shown that regular consumption of rose hips can reduce bad cholesterol levels. It is said that consuming rosehip powder daily for 6 weeks can lower the risk of heart disease, a disease related to cholesterol, by up to 17%.

5. Aids digestion

Consuming rose hips in moderate amounts may also aid digestion. Simply dissolving the powder in water and taking it after a meal can help prevent stomach pain or bloating.

6. Arthritis prevention

Rose hips have been used as a treatment for inflammation since ancient times. This is because it is rich in various antioxidants, which may also help with arthritis. It can relieve and prevent pain in hip and knee joints.

7. Asthma relief

The fruit with its strong aroma is excellent for preventing respiratory diseases. In particular, it can relieve asthma and seasonal rhinitis and various respiratory diseases.

8. Promotes skin health

The rich vitamin A and vitamin C in rose hips can stimulate collagen production in the skin and reduce wrinkles. It can also improve skin damaged by UV rays and promote skin regeneration in wound healing. However, oil should not be applied to skin problems such as acne.

3. Rosehip How to eat puree

4. Rosehip Side Effect

  • Vitamins may be destroyed when rosehips are heated over high heat or when aluminum pans are used.

  • Excessive intake may cause abdominal distension and abdominal pain. If side effects persist, it is recommended to stop taking it for a while.

  • Pregnant and lactating women are recommended to consume appropriate amounts. Side effects are unknown when consumed in large quantities.

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