Saw palmetto benefits, side effects - Nutrients good for hair loss and prostate

Saw palmetto Nutrition

Saw palmetto Benefits
Saw palmetto (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionOctacosanol
Main BenefitsProstate health, increased libido, improved urinary tract function
Side EffectsExcessive intake may cause nausea or abdominal pain

Saw palmetto is a plant that has long been used to treat hair loss and treat colds. This plant can regulate male hormone levels and is also used as a treatment ingredient for various urinary diseases. But what exactly makes it good? In this episode, we will learn about the benefits, side effects, and dosage of saw palmetto.

2. Saw palmetto Benefits

Saw palmetto

1. Prevent hair loss

Hair loss is a disease that is caused by genetics or various factors. In particular, it can be caused by excessive secretion of male hormones, and saw palmetto can control this and prevent hair loss. It can also improve hair health and make your hair thicker.

2. Reduction of inflammation

Saw palmetto is rich in various antioxidant enzymes. It can reduce various types of inflammation and may provide additional benefits such as pain relief.

3. Regulate male hormone levels

This is in the same context as hair loss prevention. It can increase your sex drive by increasing testosterone levels and can also aid muscle synthesis. It has a similar role to arginine.

4. Prostate Health

Saw palmetto acts like a supplement for men’s health. This can reduce inflammation in the prostate and bladder and make you stronger. The effect is doubled when salmon is also consumed.

5. Improved urinary tract function

As we get older, we often have difficulty urinating. Studies have shown that urinary flow improved in older adults who continued to take saw palmetto.

6. Cough relief

If you have a cough due to a problem with your bronchial tubes, taking saw palmetto can help you get better quickly. Saw palmetto has long been known as a cold treatment for indigenous people, and this proves its excellent efficacy.

3. Saw palmetto How to take?

4. Saw palmetto Side Effect

  • Excessive consumption may cause nausea or abdominal pain.

  • Additional nutrients may vary by product. Please check the nutritional information for each product.

  • There is a lack of research in young children or pregnant women. Consumption is not recommended for pregnant women.

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