Shishito pepper benefits, storage method - Golden stir-fried anchovy recipe, Shishito pepper benefits, storage method - Golden stir-fried anchovy recipe

Shishito pepper Nutrition

Shishito pepper Benefits
Shishito pepper (100g) Nutrition
4.8, 4.8g0.8, 0.8g0.1, 0.1g33, 33kcal
Main NutritionVitamin A, Vitamin C, Beta Carotene
Main BenefitsPromotes blood vessel health, improves immunity, relieves skin problems
Side EffectsCauses heartburn when consumed in excess, worsens arthritis when cooked with soy sauce

Shishito pepper is a variety of pepper with a wrinkled surface. Its origin is South America, and it is a crop that grows well in hot climates. It has a slightly lighter light green color than regular green peppers, and is also smaller than green peppers. It is also curved and has a spicy taste, but is less spicy than regular peppers. I usually just remove the stem and use it whole. It is most often added to stews, steamed dishes, or stir-fried foods to add a spicy taste.

2. Shishito pepper Benefits

Shishito pepper stir-fried anchovies

1. Immunity Enhancement

Shishito pepper contains various ingredients such as beta-carotene, vitamins, and capsaicin. First, beta-carotene is an antioxidant that removes free radicals that can cause various diseases in the body. Through this, it plays a role in protecting the body from disease. And ingredients such as vitamins and rutin have the function of strengthening immunity and strengthening capillaries. Therefore, it helps promote blood circulation and metabolism so that our body’s immune system can operate properly. This protects the body from various viruses.

2. Diet

Shishito pepper contains capsaicin, which gives it a spicy taste. It has the function of helping blood circulation, activating metabolism and promoting fat decomposition. And it can help with diet by helping you burn calories. Shishito pepper is low in calories, easy to consume, and contains a variety of nutrients. So, it helps you replenish nutrients that may be lacking when dieting, so you can have a healthy diet.

3. Skin Health

Shishito pepper contains vitamin A and vitamin C. These two are antioxidant ingredients that help remove free radicals that can cause skin aging. This helps slow down skin aging. And vitamin C is effective in creating bright and elastic skin by promoting collagen production and suppressing melanin deposition. Additionally, vitamin A promotes the secretion of sebum and sweat and helps maintain skin cells. This is effective in preventing acne or pimples.

4. Vascular Health

Shishito pepper contains components called rutin and gamma aminolactic acid. They help strengthen and dilate capillaries. This helps lower blood pressure and is effective for people suffering from high blood pressure. In addition, rutin relaxes and expands blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation and helping lower cholesterol levels in the body. This can help prevent various cardiovascular diseases.

5. Joint health

Shishito pepper contains more flavonoids than other peppers. Flavonoids are ingredients that help relieve arthritis. This is because it has an excellent ability to eliminate inflammation. Shishito pepper also has the ability to relax joints, helping to relieve pain that occurs in joints. Shishito pepper also contains vitamin K. This helps prevent the cartilage gap from narrowing.

3. Shishito pepper How to make stir-fried anchovies

4. Shishito pepper Side Effect

  • When Shishito pepper is cooked with soy sauce, substances called advanced glycation end products are formed, which can worsen arthritis.

  • Hyperlipidemia medications contain ingredients that inhibit cholesterol synthesis. This reduces the effectiveness of Shishito pepper, and Shishito pepper must be consumed at intervals as it reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

  • Cooking with red pepper paste may reduce the absorption rate of vitamin C in Shishito pepper.

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