Shrimp benefits, calories, protein, storage, season

Shrimp Nutrition

Shrimp Benefits
Shrimp (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionOmega 3, taurine, calcium, vitamin A
Main BenefitsRelieves fatigue, prevents dementia, relieves hangovers, improves blood vessel health
Side EffectsMay cause allergic reactions depending on body type, gout patients should be careful when consuming

Shrimp is a seafood belonging to the crustacean family. It has a light gray transparent body, a shell that is hard but not as strong as that of a blue crab, and long whiskers. Although they live in the deep sea, they have the habit of moving to the coast during spawning season. The lifespan is short, about one year, and females tend to be larger than males. Because it is large in size and has a lot of meat, it is usually eaten whole, grilled or fried rather than used as an additional ingredient in cooking.

Shrimp Benefits

Shrimp Benefits

1. Cardiovascular health

Shrimp, like most seafood, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This prevents various diseases that can occur in the heart and helps cardiovascular circulation by making blood flow smoothly. It is also effective in lowering the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. And when you consume prawns, they help strengthen blood vessel walls and improve the overall health of your blood.

2. Liver Health

Shrimp is also known to help liver health. This is thanks to an ingredient called taurine. Taurine is well known as an ingredient that helps liver health. This is because it has the effect of removing toxins that strain the liver and have negative effects. It also helps the liver function normally and is effective in recovering liver damage caused by alcohol. This is also effective in relieving hangovers.

3. Bone Health

Shrimp is rich in calcium, which helps with bone health. It contains not only calcium, but also various nutrients such as magnesium and selenium, and is also rich in protein. Consuming prawns strengthens bones and increases bone density, making it effective for bone health in growing children. And through this same effect, it also helps prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis, which occurs when bones become weak.

4. Skin Health

Shrimp contains ingredients that help skin health, such as zinc, selenium, and minerals. In addition, it contains various vitamins that help improve skin health. Additionally, the ingredient chitosan contained in prawns helps remove waste from the skin. It has the function of preventing fat deposition and is effective for skin care.

5. Brain Health

The omega-3 fatty acids contained in shrimp also help with brain health. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to be effective in protecting and promoting brain health. It also helps prevent brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and delay the onset of symptoms. It also contains a component called glycine, which has the effect of stabilizing the state of the brain. This makes it effective in protecting brain health.

6. Immunity enhancement

Consuming shrimp is also effective in boosting immunity. In particular, it contains chitosan, which is converted into vitamin A when absorbed into the body. Vitamin A has an immune-boosting effect and helps protect the body. It is also rich in zinc. This ingredient heals dead cells and tissues in the body and aids in the inner workings of white blood cells. This makes it effective in strengthening our body’s immune system.

Storage Method

First, clean the shrimp before storing them. There are different care methods for each purpose. Please check the following guide.

For roasting: Remove horns and whiskers and store.
For frying: Remove horns, whiskers, and legs before storing.

If you plan to consume shrimp within 3 days, refrigerate them in an airtight container. If you plan to consume them later, store the trimmings in an airtight container and freeze them. When stored in the freezer, it can be stored for up to 3 to 6 months.

Side Effect

  1. Depending on your constitution, allergic reactions to shellfish, such as skin rash and hives, may occur.
  2. Shrimp contains an ingredient called purine. It can cause gout symptoms in people with high uric acid levels, so caution should be taken when consuming it.
  3. Shrimp with blackened tails or black water coming out of their heads are not fresh. Consuming shrimp that are not fresh may cause side effects such as indigestion, stomach upset, and food poisoning.


💠WebMD: All About Shrimp
💠EatingWell: Is Shrimp Healthy? Here’s What a Dietitian Says
💠StyleCraze: 7 Amazing Benefits Of Shrimp

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