Soy milk benefits, calories, expiration date - good food for diet

Soy milk Nutrition

Soy milk Benefits
Soy milk (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionProtein, Calcium, Potassium
Main BenefitsPromotes bone and joint health, relieves menopausal symptoms
Side EffectsBe careful when consuming if you are allergic to soy

Soy milk is a beverage that is close to milk and is made by grinding soybeans. It is an alkaline food, and soy milk is sometimes used as a milk substitute for children who cannot properly digest milk or are allergic to it, that is, people with lactose intolerance. Since soybeans are the main ingredient, it is rich in soy protein and isoflavones. Since it is often used as a substitute for milk, it is not only drunk on its own, but is also used in a variety of foods, such as as a bean noodle soup.

2. Soy milk Benefits

Soy milk

1. Blood vessel health and removal of harmful cholesterol

Soy milk contains unsaturated fatty acids. The unsaturated fatty acids in soy milk help lower cholesterol and improve blood vessel health by removing harmful cholesterol that adversely affects blood vessels. In addition, soy milk contains an ingredient called lecithin, which also helps maintain blood vessel health by dissolving cholesterol and fat. In addition, soy milk contains an ingredient called potassium, which has the function of managing the body’s moisture status and regulating blood pressure to normal, which is helpful for cardiovascular health.

2. Improvement of female diseases

Soybeans in soy milk contain a component called isoflavone, which is also called phytoestrogen and is helpful to women. As women age, menopause or menopause occurs and estrogen production decreases. At this time, the isoflavones contained in soy milk help relieve and reduce menopausal symptoms that occur in women. In addition, isoflavones reduce the risk of breast cancer and help prevent osteoporosis, which often occurs in women going through menopause.

3. Skin Health

Isoflavones contained in soybeans, the main ingredient in soy milk, also help skin health. Isoflavone has the function of suppressing melanin pigment and helps prevent skin blemishes such as freckles. Additionally, it has the ability to increase the level of collagen, which is essential for skin health, making it effective in creating healthy and smooth skin. Isoflavones also help prevent diseases such as skin cancer by protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays.

4. Bone Health

Soy milk is rich in protein and calcium. Soy milk contains less calcium than cow’s milk, but the rate at which it is absorbed into the body is higher. Calcium is a component of bones and helps to strengthen bones and increase bone density, helping growing children. And in the case of women, when they reach menopause, bone decomposition becomes more active and bone density rapidly decreases. At this time, the isoflavones contained in soy milk help the body absorb calcium and prevent bone loss.

3. Soy milk What is the expiration date?

4. Soy milk Side Effect

  • People with poor digestion or weak digestive function should be careful as excessive consumption may cause indigestion.

  • Soy milk contains a higher amount of purine than other foods. Purines should be used with caution as they can have adverse effects on gout patients.

  • The main ingredient in soy milk is soybeans. Therefore, people with soy allergies should be careful as an allergic reaction may occur if they consume soy milk.

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