Stylela clava season, benefits, preparation, how to eat - Soybean paste stew golden recipe?

Styela clava Nutrition

Styela clava Benefits
Styela clava (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionTaurine, dietary fiber
Main BenefitsRelieves fatigue, improves immunity, and prevents cardiovascular disease
Side EffectsBe careful when eating if you are allergic to seafood.

Styela clava is a hermaphroditic animal. It lives in cold water and was named Stylela clava because it resembles a deodeok. It is small in size, has a long oval body, and has a bumpy surface. It is round and plump and is generally yellow-brown in color, but the more red it is, the better it is treated as Styela clava. It has a unique scent and a very pleasant texture. You can eat it by putting it in soup, boiling it, or eating it as raw fish.

2. Styela clava Benefits

Styela clava seasoned

1. Relieve fatigue

Stylela clava is rich in taurine. Taurine promotes smooth blood circulation and helps promote metabolism in the body. This is effective in generating energy used for physical activity and improving physical function. So you can quickly relieve fatigue and help stabilize your mind and body. It is also effective in relieving chronic fatigue. Additionally, the protein contained in Styela clava helps replenish energy and relieve fatigue.

2. Vascular Health

Stylela clava contains eicosapentaenoic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid, which is effective for vascular health. First, it helps lower the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. This is effective in preventing the accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels and inhibiting the formation of blood clots. It also participates in blood coagulation, so it promotes smooth blood circulation. Due to these effects, it is effective in preventing various vascular diseases.

3. Brain Health

Among the unsaturated fatty acids contained in Stylea clava, docosahexaenoic acid helps brain health. This component is present in the retina and nervous system tissue of the brain. It also affects the activation of brain cells and helps the brain perform normal functions such as memory and cognitive ability. So, if consumed by a pregnant woman, it can help the fetus’s brain development and growth. It also helps with brain activity that declines due to aging, making it effective in preventing and improving brain diseases such as dementia.

4. Liver health

Consuming Stylea clava may benefit liver health. This is thanks to the taurine contained in Stylela clava. Taurine is well known as an ingredient that helps liver health. This helps promote bile secretion, aids in liver cell regeneration, and is effective in excreting liver toxins. It also helps protect the overall liver health by recovering liver damage caused by drinking and helping relieve hangovers.

5. Skin Health

Stylela clava contains vitamins that support skin health. First, they act as antioxidants to remove free radicals, the main cause of skin aging. So it is effective in preventing skin aging. And the vitamin C contained in Styela clava prevents the deposition of melanin pigment, brightens the skin, and helps prevent skin diseases such as freckles and blemishes. Vitamin E is also effective in skin regeneration, improving skin elasticity and wrinkles.

6. Diet

Consuming Stylela clava while dieting can help you achieve success. This is because Stylela clava is rich in dietary fiber and protein. First, dietary fiber helps keep you feeling full longer and prevents overeating. And protein plays a role in preventing muscle loss that tends to occur when dieting, ensuring a healthy diet. In addition, Stylela clava has the function of promoting metabolism and helps burn calories. Additionally, Stylela clava contains a variety of minerals and nutrients, helping to supplement nutrients that may be lacking when dieting.

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5. Styela clava Side Effect

  • Stylela clava has cold properties. So, if people with a cold body consume too much, they may experience symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea.

  • Stylela clava is in season from April to May. Afterwards, the texture may be less noticeable.

  • If you have a seafood allergy, you may also experience an allergic reaction when eating Styela clava.

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