Creatine Amazing 8 Benefits, Take, Side Effects, Loading

Creatine Nutrition

Creatine Benefits
Creatine (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionCreatine
Main BenefitsHelping muscle growth, relieving muscle pain, recovering fatigue, improving physical strength
Side EffectsIncrease in weight, diarrhea and upset, muscle spasms, liver function decrease

Creatine is the world’s most popular and effective supplement. In addition, the effect of exercise can be made even greater, such as restoring or growing muscles. It is well known as the best muscle growth supplement that the general public can do, and you will be able to see the most dynamic effect if you take it before or after exercise.

Creatine Benefits

1. Improvement of motor skills

Creatine supplements help storage creatine, one of the muscles in the body. This allows you to improve your athletic skills and exercise higher.

2. Muscle growth

High intensity exercise can of course help muscle growth. It also increases the moisture content that helps muscle synthesis, creating a larger volume muscles. One study has the result of decomposing enzymes that inhibit muscle growth to create greater muscles.

3. Fatigue recovery

The most important thing in recovery is diet and sleep. Creatine is mainly contained in meat, and if you add it to your diet, you can recover from muscle and restore fatigue.

4. Enhancement of fitness

In some studies, it helps to improve overall physical strength, including muscle strength as well as high intensity motor skills. Early endurance can be developed through aerobic exercise. After accumulating the body creatine, you can produce more energy than usual.

5. Relief of muscle pain

Torn muscles through high intensity exercise can cause large muscle pain. Creatine has a good effect on relieving inflammatory reactions such as muscle pain.

6. Parkinson’s disease prevention

Parkinson’s disease is caused by a decrease in dopamine. In addition, we choose weight training as the best Parkinson’s disease relaxant, which can slow down the disease and increase muscle function to enable everyday life.

7. Brain health

Inducing brain neuropathy, such as Alzheimer, has a great influence on the reduction of creatin inside the brain. Accumulation of creatin in your body can reduce brain diseases that occur for this reason and slow down your progress speed.

8. Diabetes easing

If you add creatin to your diet, there is a study that reduces blood sugar levels after a high -tan hydrate meal. If you eat a supplement with proper exercise, it will be an effective choice for preventing and relieving diabetes.

Creatine How to take?

The dosage methods include how to eat after loading and how to take them without loading. When loading, you can quickly increase your body’s retention, but depending on your constitution, side effects such as diarrhea or stomach may occur.

📃 Do you need to loading when taking creatine?

How to take creatine – loading

  1. Eat 20g of powder with 1L water for a week.
  2. Afterwards, 5G powder is eaten with water.

How to take creation – no loading

  1. Eat 5g powder with 1L of water.
  2. At the same time, it is recommended to eat with the right carbohydrates.

Creatine How to take – video

Creatine Side Effect

  1. If your intestines are sensitive or lactose intolerance, abdominal pain or diarrhea may occur. In this case, it is recommended to eat by reducing the amount.

  2. The weight can increase due to the increase in muscle mass and the increase in the amount of moisture in the body. During the diet period, it is recommended to reduce the dose.

  3. After high intensity training, muscles can cause tension or cramps. After training, you need to have appropriate stretching.

  4. If you don’t usually have good liver function, you do not recommend eating. The function may decrease or adversely affect liver health.

  5. It is recommended that you suffer from kidney disease or liver disease or if you have high blood pressure patients.

Creatine FAQ

When should I take creatine before and after exercise?

After exercise, it is recommended to eat with the right carbohydrates. The most important thing is to take it at the same time and take enough digestion time.

Do creatine causes hair loss?

No. It is a supplement that has nothing to do with hair loss. If you are taking a normal hair medicine, it is not recommended to take it, but you can also eat it as a supplement.

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