Cucumber Efficacy, Calories, Storage - Diet Food

Cucumber Nutrition

Cucumber Benefits
Cucumber (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionBeta -carotene, vitamin C
Main BenefitsEffect of vision protection and anti -inflammatory
Side EffectsIt has a cold nature, causing abdominal pain when eating excessively

Cucumbers are low in calories and are rich in water and solubility fiber, which is ideal for promoting water supply and weight loss. Cucumbers are also rich in certain plant compounds and antioxidants that can help to treat and prevent some diseases as well as beneficial nutrients. It has a soft, refreshing taste and high moisture content. It can help relieve dehydration and eat in hot weather.

2. Cucumber Benefits


1. Anti -inflammatory effect

Inflammation, a natural immune response of the body, is fine. But chronic cases can damage healthy cells, which can cause serious health problems such as heart disease and certain cancer. Cucumbers can help relieve this dangerous type of inflammation. As for the anti -inflammatory characteristics of cucumbers, most of them come from vegetable nutrients found in cucumbers. Flavonoids and triterpens are known to fight inflammation of oxidative stress.

2. Eye health

It is also a good idea to eat cucumbers to protect your eyesight. Cucumber beta -carotene is converted from the liver to vitamin A, which reduces the oxidation stress that occurs when our eyes are exposed to light, improving both surrounding vision and night vision. This is similar to the component of Lutein, and flavonoids and triterpens found in cucumbers are known to fight inflammation.

3. Heart health

Cucumber intake is a good way to add more fiber and potassium, and the intake of cucumbers is an effective way to prevent heart disease. Fiber helps to increase satiety and lower cholesterol levels, and potassium helps to lower blood pressure. Cucumbers also provide folic acid, a vitamin B, which is essential to reduce stroke risk.

4. Anticancer Effect

Cucumbers have potential free radicals, and flavonoids and tannins are present in cucumbers, which are responsible for glass disconnection and analgesic effects. Compounds in cucumbers defend cancer due to the ability to protect DNA and cells from damage caused by oxidation stress. Picetin is particularly related to the preservation of brain health and cognitive functions, and the cucumber tatin has an effect of reducing cancer tumors.

3. Cucumber Storage

4. Cucumber Side Effect

  • Cucumbers have a cold properties, which may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea when you are excessive.

  • It is a good idea to eat only cucumbers because the substance of Ascovinase destroys vitamin C.

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