Ginger benefits, side effects, storage

Ginger Nutrition

Ginger Benefits
Ginger (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionGingerol, potassium
Main BenefitsImproves memory and prevents various cancers
Side EffectsPatients with high blood pressure should be careful when consuming.

People have used ginger in cooking and medicine since ancient times. It is a popular home remedy for nausea, stomachache, and other health problems. Fresh or dried ginger is commonly used in cooking, and some take ginger supplements for its possible health benefits. The antioxidants and other nutrients in ginger may help prevent or treat arthritis, inflammation, and various types of infections.

2. Ginger Benefits


1. Gastrointestinal health

The enzymes in ginger help break down the body and expel these gases, relieving discomfort. Ginger appears to have beneficial effects on trypsin and pancreatic lipase, enzymes important in digestion. Additionally, ginger may relieve or prevent constipation by increasing movement through the digestive tract and may help relieve nausea and other gastrointestinal problems.

2. Anticancer effect

Although ginger does not provide protein or other nutrients, it is a great source of antioxidants. For this reason, ginger can reduce various types of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when too many free radicals build up in the body. Free radicals are toxic substances created by metabolism and other factors and can cause a variety of diseases, including cancer. Dietary antioxidants therefore help the body eliminate free radicals, thereby reducing cancer cell proliferation and playing an important role in prevention.

3. Brain health

Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation can accelerate the aging process. It is believed to be a major cause of Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline. Accordingly, ginger’s antioxidants and bioactive compounds may inhibit the inflammatory response that occurs in the brain and may help directly improve brain function. Consuming ginger improves reaction time and working memory and may help protect against age-related brain damage.

4. Anti -inflammatory effect

Ginger is associated with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory effects can relieve osteoarthritis symptoms, stimulate blood circulation, and soothe burns. Ginger is also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, including active ingredients, which can help people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis reduce pain levels and improve symptoms to some extent.

3. Ginger Storage

4. Ginger Side Effect

  • Ginger has warming properties, so people with high body heat should be careful about consuming it.

  • Ginger has the function of promoting the secretion of gastric juice and can irritate the stomach mucosa, so people with gastrointestinal disorders are advised to be careful when consuming it.

  • Ginger has the function of dilating blood vessels, so people with high blood pressure or bleeding disorders are advised to be careful when consuming it.

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