Lemon Benefits, Clean, Storage, Risks - Good for Skin

Lemon Nutrition

Lemon Benefits
Lemon (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionVitamin C, citric acid
Main BenefitsHeart health promotion, immunity improvement, skin health promotion
Side EffectsExcessive intake causes heartburn and gastritis

Lemon is a popular fruit that people use in small amounts to add flavor to their food. However, because it is intense and sour, it is rarely consumed alone. Lemon provides flavors in baked goods, sauces, salad dressings, drinks and desserts, and it is rich in vitamin C, fiber and a variety of beneficial plant compounds. These nutrients are responsible for various health benefits.

Lemon Benefits

1. Heart Health

Lemon is a good source of vitamin C. Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke. However, vitamin C is not the only thing that is thought to be good for the heart. Fiber and vegetable compounds can also significantly lower some risk factors for heart disease. The plant compounds found in the fruit, hesperidine and diosmin, can also lower cholesterol.

2. Prevention of kidney stones

Kidney stones are small lumps that form when wastes crystallize and accumulate in the kidneys. Accordingly, citric acid in lemons can help prevent kidney stones by increasing the amount of urine and increasing the pH of urine, creating a less favorable environment for kidney stones formation.

3. Prevention of anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is very common. This happens when you don’t get enough iron from your food. Lemon contains a little bit of iron, but it mainly prevents anemia by improving iron absorption in plant foods. The intestines absorb iron very easily from meat and fish, while vegetable iron is not easily absorbed. However, this absorption can be improved by taking vitamin C and citric acid. Because it contains both vitamin C and citric acid, you can prevent anemia by absorbing as much iron as possible from your diet.

4. Gastrointestinal health

Lemon is composed of carbohydrates and is mainly in the form of soluble fiber and monosaccharides. The main fiber of lemons is pectin, a form of soluble fiber associated with various health benefits. Water-soluble fiber can improve intestinal health and slow the digestion of sugar and starch. These effects can also reduce blood sugar levels.

5. Improve immunity

Citric acid can also help digestion and help with intestinal health. Intestinal health is an organ related to immunity, which can improve immunity by making it healthy.

6. Skin health

Vitamins are one of the important nutrients for skin health that everyone knows. Vitamins are one of the important nutrients for skin health that everyone knows. Even if it’s not a direct intake, you can see a variety of products such as packs and cosmetics.

Lemon How to cleaning

Lemon Side Effect

  1. The sour taste of lemons can cause heartburn and stomach ulcers by secreting excessive gastric juice.

  2. When consumed excessively, the acid component lowers blood sugar, which can increase the secretion of pancreatic juice in the pancreas, thereby increasing the absorption rate of sugar in the body.

Lemon FAQ

Which lemon should I choose?

Here’s how to choose a lemon.

1. Glossy skin
2. A round thing
3. The color is not too dark

How can I wash lemons?

You can clean the lemon as follows.

1. Wipe the lemon with water.
2. Sprinkle baking soda and wipe it again.
3. Drain and use.

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