올리브오일 효능, 먹는법, 보관법, 칼로리

Olive Oil Nutrition

Olive Oil Benefits
Olive Oil (100g) Nutrition
Main Nutrition올레익산, 비타민E
Main Benefits항염 작용 및 뇌졸증 위험 감소
Side Effects과다 섭취 시 소화 불량 유발

Olive oil is a natural oil extracted from olive, the fruit of olive trees. About 14 %of the oil is saturated fat and 11 %are multiple unsaturated fats such as omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. However, the main fatty acid of olive oil is a single unsaturated fat called oleic acid, accounting for 73 %of the total oil content. Oleic acid can reduce inflammation and have a beneficial effect on cancer -related genes.

2. Olive Oil Benefits

Olive Oil

1. Anti -inflammatory effect

Chronic inflammation is considered to be the main cause of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, and even obesity. Extra virgin olive oil can reduce inflammation, which may be one of the main causes of health benefits. Olle acid, a major fatty acid of olive oil, can lower the value of an important inflammatory marker. It also contains oleic acid, a nutrient that fights inflammation, and Olleocantal, a sulfuricide.

2. Heart health

Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the world. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of the core ingredients of this diet and prevents heart disease in various ways. It can help to lower inflammation, protect bad LDL cholesterol from oxidation, improve the inner walls of blood vessels, and prevent excessive blood clotting. In addition, it is shown to lower blood pressure, one of the most powerful risk factors of heart disease and early death.

3. Improvement of diabetes

It is thought that many people suffer from type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by reducing the effect of insulin, a hormone used from blood to cells by moving blood sugar from blood to cells. The phenol compound present in olive oil is known to help glucose metabolism and improve the sensitivity and effect of insulin. The intake of olive oil reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and helps to normalize blood sugar in people with diabetes.

4. Reduction of stroke risk

Stroke causes stroke due to blood flow disorders to the brain. Disorders can be caused by bleeding or blood clots. As a result, stroke is the second most common cause of death in most developed countries after heart attack. Olive oil can reduce the possibility of stroke by up to 40 %. The main reason is that people who use extra virgin olive oil are essentially increasing the use of fatty fatty fatty fat in a single unsaturated diet. The combination of healthy fat, reducing oxidized stress and healthy diet always improves cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of stroke.

3. Olive Oil How to eat

4. Olive Oil Side Effect

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