11 Benefits of Plums, Side Effects, Storage

Plums Nutrition

Plums Benefits
Plums (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionAnthocyanin, Vitamin C, Potassium
Main BenefitsVascular health promotion, dementia prevention, constipation relief
Side EffectsBe careful about eating if the kidneys are bad or are low blood pressure.

Plums is a red sweet fruit. It is mainly harvested in July and the seeds are sour. It is a fruit that can be eaten to the shell, rich in moisture, minerals and vitamins. It is also rich in antioxidants, which can prevent cardiovascular disease or improve immunity.

Plums Benefits

1. Cancer prevention

Many anthocyanin ingredients in red, yellow fruits and vegetables are effective in preventing cancer. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells and can lead to death of cancer cells.

2. Vascular health

Eating plums periodically is a way to keep your blood vessels healthy. One study suggests that cholesterol levels have been lowered in groups with two plums a day for eight weeks, blood vessel waste was released, and the incidence of arteriosclerosis is significantly lower.

In fact, plums are rich in ingredients that promote vascular health such as pectin, vitamin C and potassium. If you usually have swelling in your body or if you have symptoms such as the lower limb veins, eating plums can be a good solution.

3. Diabetes prevention

Plums have a lower blood glucose index than other fruits. It can be a good snack for diabetics and can alleviate the rapidly rising blood sugar when ingesting fruits.

It also helps to synthesize hormones that can control blood sugar, which can increase insulin sensitivity.

4. Prevention of dementia

According to a 2015 university researcher, plum’s keretin and anthocyanin can remove free radicals that cause dementia. It also protects brain cells to prevent memory loss.

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5. Lung health

Rich minerals and vitamins are the best nutrients for tired lungs. You can assist your lung activity and prevent various lung diseases.

6. Bone health

Most red -colored vegetables contain amazing calcium. Eating dried plums, especially, is one of the ways to prevent osteoporosis.

In particular, the bone density of the arm and legs can be increased, and the vitamin K ingredient can also increase calcium absorption.

7. Relief of constipation

High dietary fiber, rich vitamins are nutrients that are effective in relieving constipation. You can soften your stools, keep your intestines comfortable, and smooth your bowel movements.

8. High blood pressure relief

Plum’s vitamin C, anthocyanin, helps to relieve blood pressure. Periodically, you can prevent your blood pressure from rising rapidly.

9. Improvement of immunity

There are no research results, but the nutrients of plums are enough to improve human immunity. Vitamins A, C, E, and K contain are nutritious balances that are not found in other fruits. Can’t you believe this? Try plums right now. You will be able to believe it in a few hours!

10. Enhancement of energy

Plum intake can increase high levels of testosterone and estrogen secretion. This can enhance both men and women.

11. Diet

Plums have more nutrients than small calories. It is an ideal food that reduces nutrient losses during a diet and gives high satiety.

It can also be a light for dieters looking for sweetness. Take it safely!

PlumsJam, Ade Making

Plums Side Effect

  1. Excessive intake may have side effects such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, etc. in the stomach.

  2. The plum has the effect of lowering blood pressure, so if it is low blood pressure, it is not recommended to eat.

  3. The sugar itself is high, but it is absorbed slowly when ingested with protein. It is better to eat with food such as meat and nuts.

  4. The seed of the flesh is hard, so the puppy cannot eat.

Plums FAQ

How can the plums can be stored?

Place the shell and keep it in a sealed container and keep it refrigerated. If you want to eat longer, you can keep it frozen in a sealed container.

When is the plums season?

Summer seasonal fruits are the sweetest in July -August. It is easy to get tasted at high temperatures in summer, so you should keep it well.

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